Dear Daylight Savings Time,
I have a bone to pick with you. It's 4p and I'm tired. And do you know why I'm tired? Hmmmmm? No, it's not because of the bed bug epidemic. No, it's not because I pulled an all nighter last night with three hookers and a doobie. And no, it's not because I'm so beautiful, but thank you, I appreciate it.
DST- it's because it's only 4p and it feels like it's bedtime. WTF, man? I don't care about the Earth traveling at a closer arc to the Sun. I care about my energy levels going down when I should be hitting full stride. Instead of gearing up for a fun night out, I'm already pussing out and getting in my jammies. I'm gonna go ahead and blame you for anything that I perform lazily on from now until I get to Spring forward. DAMN YOU FALL BEHIND.
Cranky (weird...) and unmotivated (weird again...),

And now on a lighter note. TPMs announces their "What'syerfavoritesongoftheday" segment.
Del- The Magnificent Seven/ The Clash
Rach- Flip/Apollo Sunshine
Meredith- Formed A Band/ Art Brut
Dana- I'll Believe In Anything/ Wolf Parade
remember that today kicks off the glorious month we will refer to as the "december to remember" - that should help lift your spirits in the face of the evil force of DLS.
my song of the day is: 'laffy taffy'
i have no idea what the name of it is, but everytime i hear it i want to shake my laffy taffy, that laffy taffy, girl shake that laffy taffy...that laffy taffy...girl!
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