"Hey Asshole - you're welcome. Nice place!"- Rach
Apparently my evil alter ego was not very nice to Rachel last night but she helped me make it home (with my purse) anyway. I really was only pretending to be wasted so she would finally come over - I've lived there since July and she had yet to come visit!
If Rachel had been able to find a pen this is what she would have written instead:
mere: you are the bestest friend a drunk girl could have
Rach: well you would do the same for me
I was gonna try to be clever if i could have found a pen:
# of bruises you might have tomorrow: 4
# of times you called me an asshole: 16
# of security dudes who were looking for me: 5
# of times you fell up your stairs: 2
# of minutes it took you to face plant into your bed: .50
mere: ha, amazing,i just love you more now!

Enough said!
Mere- Night On Fire/ VHS or Beta
Dane- How Near How Far/ And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
Rach- My Humps/ Black Eyed Peas
Del- Last of the Steam Powered Trains/ The Kinks
It seems as if Meredith's camera has underwear x-ray vision.
no it doesn't - you just wear slutty outfits.
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