Last night I decided to get rid of some Dallas boredom and check out the Rolling Stones concert. The American Airlines Center is just a ten minute walk from my place so I hoofed it even though it is starting to get a bit chilly here. After 10 minutes or so I scalped an upper level ticket for $40 and proceeded inside. Merle Haggard had cancelled for some reason so I got to see Delbert McClinton instead (do you think I was named after this guy?) Now I would say that I have amassed a pretty extensive collection of concert setlists over the years and thought that a Rolling Stones one would be a pretty good addition, so when 'ol Delbert finished up (thank Christ) I thought I would try to ask the soundboard guy if I might be able to have one. I ended up walking right down to the floor and security didn't say anything to me so I kept going closer. I ended up meeting a really nice couple in their late 40s- Bernadette and Tony who told me that they were both very "relaxed" due to smoking a lot of weed before the show. Awwwww, I love old people. Anyway, I told them that my seats were up in the nose bleeds and that if I could stay close that I would appreciate it. They seemed cool. Tony even bought me a beer. He said "here you go, a Budweiser. It will make you
wiser." Did I mention that I love stoned Dad humor? Unfortunately, as is often the case, someone actually wanted to sit in their $1500 seat so I had to leave the nice couple. Back to the drawing board, I was not ready to give up and sit in my shit seats so I try again. In a few minutes I meet another older blonde (wasted) Dallas lady (shocker!) that flirtingly tells me that I can sit with her and her husband. She tells me very loudly, "its the Rolling Stones!!!! I'm
SO EXCITED that you made it down here!" She then proceeds to have me sit in her seat and she then sits IN MY LAP with her husband (named Duff) right next to me. The lights go down and the show starts and everyone stands up. I'm dancing around a little bit and then Duff turns to me and says pretty menacingly "Hey Adam, don't you think you've worn out your welcome here?" Hmmm, ok Duff I am picking up on that subtle hint of yours so I find another seat. The whole thing was pretty great. Jesus, its only the fucking Rolling Stones right? The show started off a little bit sloppy but the boys found their groove by the time they covered Ray Charles and then hit the B-stage to play "Miss You" and "Get Off My Cloud" and then do all the songs that I'm pretty sure they have to play. As soon as"Satisfaction" ends the roof of the building seemed to explode with tons of streamers coming down covering the entire arena. In this confusion I made it to the very front row hoping to get my prized set list. Even with all the people on stage it looks like there are only like 3 or 4 setlists up there in total. I see one of the background singers grab one and fold it up and then she tosses it into the crowd. It is at this point that I basically make a diving catch backwards and as soon as I do so I trip over this kid in a wheelchair. Whoops. I mean I couldn't see him with all the streamers and shit and well, I really just couldn't see him. Needless to say his family didn't seem too happy with me. Turns out there's nothing worse than angry wheelchair parents. Their scorn is now burnt into me permanently. Sorry kid, my bad. 30 seconds later I get a text message from my friend that read "nice grab"- he saw the whole thing go down on the big screen TV. I am such an idiot.

Please note on the setlist that they put Keith's initials on the songs that he is supposed to sing because let's face it, he could easily forget. Also please note the autograph of touring keyboardist Chuck Leavell. It was already autographed when I caught the setlist.
I told Noah about the show and about all the songs they did. Told him about how it still wasn't as good as the Madison Square Garden show, but that they did play "Shattered". His reply: "like the legs of the dude you fell over." Ouch. Very ouch. The remainder of the night was spent with my new friend Trevor (see pic below) drinking whisky. Just look at that 'stache!!!!!!! We had met once before in Austin and I spotted him as I was walking out. He is in a band called Lions. They have a page on myspace. This pic was taken during the ACL after party. So to clear up any confusion, no Rachel was not in town last night, but I really wished that she was. Trevor was with his friend PJ who was on some mushrooms and apparently the show changed his life.
wow. great story. your drive to get that setlist inspired me to go tip over someone in a wheelchair. now.
thats one of the best stories ive read all day.
Remember that when Me, Jay, and Del were playing basketball and Del stole a ball from some neighborhood little kids?
I do.
Perhaps there is a pattern?
Build it.
from this moment forth- mentions of noah are banished
Classic Del. I remember running into Del at a SxSW show and he had snuck in a camera to take some shots even though it was forbidden. They were even checking for cameras at the door.
No idea how he snuck it in, but then he takes a shot "with flash!". Sure enough a security guy approaches and says "hey is that a camera" And Del said, with an entirely straight face even though he'd just been caught red-handed "No!" Security guard took him away...Del comes back about 10 minutes later with a huge grin on his face. They didn't throw him out. How? I'll never know.
Funniest damn thing I'd ever seen
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