Last night the Icy Hots United were beat by Balls to the Walls at City College in Harlem. The defeat hurt us, but did not destroy our spirit. Judge us not by our loss, but by our lack of talent.

Rachel suits up. The game is gonna be a cinch. No one put Icy Hots in the corner.

Come on everyone get pumped! Why aren't you pumped? oh that's right, it's 9p and we are in Harlem...

Rachel gives our goalie Stu Magoo a pep talk.

She said "With these shoes, you will be invincible"

Stu Magoo takes that inspiration and tells Dana "get thy buns to the goal. it's time for a corner kick"

Dana blocks the corner kick and defeats the evil Balls to the Walls. (In reality- she completely misses the ball and it goes into the goal....)

Thank God Nick Lachey is on our team!

Mere ponders the crushing loss. Don't worry Mere, Icy Hots will not be defeated!
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