Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Steven Segal has an energy drink?

I hope he doesn't get mad at me for posting this, but Austin John sent an email to me this morning and it was too good to not share with you:

I drank one of these for the superbowl-
I don't think you're supposed to mix it with vodka. I woke up without my shirt and shoes in a Ramada Inn parking lot. I guess that's every Monday morning for Steven Segal. Except he has a pony tail. The worst part is I found a ticket stub for Big Momma's House 2 in my pocket. 2. As in the sequel. If I didn't even see the first one, how the hell was I supposed to follow the plot in the second? At any rate, I'm staying away from the high energy beverages for a while. And the ecstasy. Aaaaaand hopefully the Martin Lawrence films, although I'm not making any promises. Good luck.

hilarious. I can't focus today, but I was able to make the most killer workout 2006 mix on my itunes today... i mean for reals people- me + workoutmix'06= abs o steel.


megadeath said...

I was just wondering when your last trip to the gym was? I remember going with you to sign up but that's about it...

Anonymous said...

and i seem to remember going with you to quit...so what gives?