Mere- she gets to be Sophia (lucky bitch!) based on the merits of her height. And Mere likes the zingers, which we all know that old bag was the queen of them.
Del- Blanche, because he's a slut and likes to wear flowy silk outfits.
Wiscod- Dorothy because i'm a giant with lesbian undertones like Bea Arthur. We can both assure you... we like the schlong. And boy am I good with those zingers. I learned them from my mother- Estelle Getty.
Rach- Rose... by default because she was the last to speak up. Rach is lovable and good hearted like Rose, but she ain't no dumbass.
Which of these fine ladies are you?

Do all these hipsters just want to be mimes deep down inside? Here’s Douchey McTwattlefuck doing his classic “On My Cell Phone!” routine.
Friday Night in the Springs: Diva Death Match - Golden Girls vs. Yacht Rockers. Let the games begin.
sophia's my biatch
Yay! You guys better watch out for my spear. I'm doing it for you Koko!
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