So as to not make our dear readers too jealous, I'm just going to give you a tiny snippet of my past two days.
Yesterday I woke up at 1030ish, leisurely walked over to kinkos (my new spizzzot), stopped by my fave bar/cafe Lotus Lounge to eat a bagel and listen to the smooth music of Steely Dan and the Doobie Brothers, and make my way uptown for an interview.
After the interview I made my way even further uptown to get a physical while my ass still has health insurance. You'll be glad to know I'm extremely healthy. But unfortunately my lucky streak ran out when I was mysteriously pulled into Bergdorf Goodman's and accidentally bought a pair of shoes. I had an episode of thinking I still work hard for my money.
Anways- last night I was lucky enough to see the imcomparable Eddie Argos and his band Art Brut at the Bowery Ballroom. My good spirits continued with drinking actual spirits... one too many of them I might add. I think at one point I tried to become friendly with David Cross (he was celebrating his birthday) only to be completely shut down. Oh well. I continued to chew off anyone's ear that seemed remotely interested in my ramblings ('sup Catherine from The Pierces - - we both got the boot from the same company). After shamelessly trying to flirt with the barback, I headed home at 2a. Come to think of it, people tell me my flirting style is more like the cold shoulder, so sorry if that's how I came off.
Moving on to 1130a this morning- yes that's when I woke up- and it was snowing!!!!! WTF!!!! Rachel pointed out that there was a green cloud. One of her coworkers suggested it was a sign that katie holmes was having her spawn of l ron hubbard and nature was rebelling. check it out- freaky deaky!

At 3p, I headed to South Street Seaport to see the Bodies Exhibition. My review is somewhere between meh and wow. I had to keep my stomach from spewing out its contents by trying not to think that the cadavers (that were out in the open) were real people. But they are, or at least were. Anyways, it was fascinating to say the least.
And now I'm home, looking forward to a couple more days of hitting the museums and the bars without a care in the world. Oh shit- I gotta get a job!
And Rach wants everyone to know that the third rule of Gremlins is:
Keep them out of sunlight! (answer courtesy of Wikipedia)
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