The evening began late night - - Mere was at the Flaming Lips and Rach was watching her Gators advance to the championship game. So when we all convened at Juanitas (which was celebrating its last night in existence) everyone was in a good mood. Except me... lil miss cranky pants. Luckily two free margaritas later I was having the time of my life. Altho the second 'rita wasn't so much a mixed drink as it was pure tequila. Mere made the smart decision of asking for a tequila floater on top of her already strong drink, because she was convinced by Niki that there was no alcohol in it. Good plan.

Here's the birthday boy cutting the cake. mmm cake.

Anyways- Rach and I ended up over at Matt from The Comas apt with Noah. I slept on the bed while a full on jam session went down. Check out Rach on the guitar... and then the trumpet. Weeeeee!

Matt played us the new Comas record... and I'm sure it was great, but I can't remember. All in all I learned that: tequila + beer + delish cake + daylight savings time = massive hangover.
Watch out hipsters, CobraShap is comin to git ya!
To clarify: the complaint about my own'rita not being strong enough was not supposed to be a license for Ms. Megadrunk's tequila floater. Thankfully, the TPM gals were wise to link up with Eliki P.I. who were ON THE CASE when duty called in getting said Ms.M home safely :-)
To clarify: the complaint about my own'rita not being strong enough was not supposed to be a license for Ms. Megadrunk's tequila floater. Thankfully, the TPM gals were wise to link up with Eliki P.I. who were ON THE CASE when duty called in getting said Ms.M home safely :-)
I was however sad to leave because a Curly McCutey-Pants really caught my attention on the way out - Curly - Holla if ya hear me...
My fave quote of the night from Mere's con artist alter-ego, Mary Shysterstein: "I can't feel my nose, I need to smoke cigarettes!"
Just to clarify, my nose numbness was caused by a margarita brain freeze. I sure got a lot of new nicknames on Saturday night.
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