Anywho- I just wanted to express my love, and Benny will agree, for the cutest speed skater ever. 4 years ago I would have said Apolo Ohno, but guess what fools....Wisco D has grown up... and bitch love her some Joey Cheek. Or Joey Skeeter as I mistakingly called him. Anywho- here are some facts about my future husband.
- Claims he was 'a huge geek' in junior and senior high school, tells blogger Andrew Love that "I would probably have been chosen in school as least likely to participate in a sporting event."
- Listed in the "Cheek Family Chronicles," a 700-year history of famous Cheeks of America, England and Australia
- In his spare time, Cheek enjoys playing the guitar, producing movies with fellow skaters, Kip and Cory Carpenter, and online investing.
After skating is over, he would like to attend law school and begin a successful law practice in his native North Carolina.
- Some of his favorites: favorite book is "Enders Game" by Orson Scott Card; favorite band is The Dave Matthews Band; favorite food is blueberry pancakes; favorite move is self-produced "Spider Fang."
- Builds potato guns, including one that can shoot a potato 275 yards.
- Future wife, TPM's own Wiscod
ok so minus the DMB reference...we're pretty much meant to be. MMMMM potatos.
UPDATE: Ummm, so yeah.... remembs how i said i was drunk? well i went to his website, got his email... and perhapers emailed him. SHittttttttttttttttt!
DMB? I love him too now.
Can you please post the email you sent? Please?
OMG, blueberry pancakes! You guys will grow old and obese together...but at least Brazilians will think you're totally hip!
I know for realz! why hasn't he emailed me back? I offered him music to practice to. Of course i was so drunk i spelled it muzak and pratise. but who's checking joey? who i say?!
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