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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Fave VD Mems
Today I'd like everyone to share their fave Valentine's Day memories. Or as Sarah and Chrashers have both said - Venereal Disease's Day- I like that much better, yes I do.
Mine was in 1994 when my boyfriend sent me a pig's heart in the mail. It was the sweetest thing anyone ever gave me... oh wait, that happened to Neil from Real World 4: London. Shit.
well, i guess since this is the coolest website on the...what's it called again, intra-noit, and dana is my best friend and all, i shall share a valentine's day to remember.
valentine's day. february 14th, 1997. approximately 3 days post having my heart broken by an evil creature who i'll just call cubber, i ran into said cubber in the hallowed hallways of nicolet high school at which time he gave me a bag of carmel apple suckers and said (and i quote), "you need practice. happy valentines day."
just as a disclaimer so i don't completely lose ALL of my street cred, cubber was merely an ass that liked to steal pizza from the cafeteria. he also caused dana to constantly overdose on excederin due to the horrible migrains he brought on whilst in her presence. granted, i did date him but that was a fuck of a long time ago. seriously, i'm quite a minx in the sack.
I liked VD back in elementary school when everyone would put candy hearts and snoopy cards in your box. Ha ha, that sounds kinda pervy actually.
well, i guess since this is the coolest website on the...what's it called again, intra-noit, and dana is my best friend and all, i shall share a valentine's day to remember.
valentine's day. february 14th, 1997. approximately 3 days post having my heart broken by an evil creature who i'll just call cubber, i ran into said cubber in the hallowed hallways of nicolet high school at which time he gave me a bag of carmel apple suckers and said (and i quote), "you need practice. happy valentines day."
i win.
happy valentines day!
just as a disclaimer so i don't completely lose ALL of my street cred, cubber was merely an ass that liked to steal pizza from the cafeteria. he also caused dana to constantly overdose on excederin due to the horrible migrains he brought on whilst in her presence. granted, i did date him but that was a fuck of a long time ago. seriously, i'm quite a minx in the sack.
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