True story- my sweet mom was a beauty queen and my pops was a hardcore b-ball player- and somehow along the way they created something completely different. At this point in my life I was a full on Bon Jovi fan. For people who know me, I go through phases with bands I obsess over. From the age of 6 to about 11, Jon Bongiovi Jr. was the man of my dreams. His poster, complete with sky-high hair, make-up and a forest for a chest, hung gloriously behind my bed. I kissed my Bon Bon goodnight before bed everynight without fail.
Needless to say I wasn't the little princess my mom had hoped for, so when she left my sister and I at the Erik of Norway Hair Salon alone for the first time, she quickly realized what a huge mistake she had made.
Being that it was the height of the 80s- we decided we both wanted the Asymmetrical cut- long on one side, shaved on the other. But mine came with a tail... gotta show my Wisconsin roots! And so here is my mom's attempt at making me as girly as possible for my 1st grade photo, complete with a pink outfit that was topped off by the ugliest bow ever created.

Who would've thought that roughly 20 years later- I would have fit right in at last night's Motherfucker party or been ranked on by Gawker's Blue States Lose for hitting up Misshapes. Take that hipsters- I was the first of your kind.
damn it, that might be the cutest thing i've ever seen in my life
it's me. the girl everyone left for ded (yes, ded) in vegas. this haircut had a name that wisco forgot to mention (even with the 102 temp, i still fondly recall...): half man, half woman, half horse. that equals a whollllle lotta haircut. eye mees d.
Seriously, I want to bite your face off you're so, really. Watch out.
I think I might bring those headbands back. AND slap bracelets.
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