Last night my fellow TPMer Rach and I witnessed a true Festivus miracle- - a band lived up to its hype- weeeeeeeeee!
Ever since Del told me about Tapes 'N Tapes back in November, I've been waiting in hot anticipation for Jan. 7th- knowing that my favorite Minneapolis band would be taking the stage just around the corner from my apt. There have been many bands that I've been sweet on that have failed to deliver in a live setting (cough...clap your hands..cough) and to me- that'll always leave a sour taste in my mouth.
So when Tapes 'n Tapes took the stage last night and broke into "Just Drums", I couldn't help but act like a giddy school girl who just made out for the first time (with tongue). They rock so hard and deliver their songs with amazing intensity. And they have this great Midwestern humbleness to them- when we talked to them after the show, they seemed shocked by the hype surrounding them, but completely appreciative. I can't love a band more that has no other motive than to play great music. I'm sorry, but I'm really sick of bands that feel the need to look a certain way or have a certain attitude in order to play music. Last time I checked, your stylish mullet isn't the one playing the guitar. Puhleeeasee.
Anyway- they played almost all of their songs, but we were assured that "Omaha" and "In Houston" will be jammed during their next three shows. If you are on the fence about seeing TNT this week- don't be an ass- go see them.
Pay attention to the drummer, he has the greatest drumming style/face since Benjy from The Helio Sequence. Oh and when was the last time you saw a baritone tuba in a rock band- holler!
Tapes 'n Tapes- Cowbell
Tapes 'n Tapes- Insistor
Tapes 'n Tapes- Omaha
NYC shows not to be missed:
1/8- Piano's
1/9- Mercury Lounge
1/12- Rothko
Did you stay for the whole show?
through Mancino?
After the show on Saturdau, I told Sean I'd be at Monday's show, and his reaction was more like he was in disbelief, "Really?!?! Wow."
it was great.
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