On another note, did anyone watch Larry King last night with author James Frey? Apparently their is some controversy swirling around his Oprah Book Club approved memoir "A Million Little Pieces". The Smoking Gun has published an account which says Frey fabricated some of the facts in the book making it more of a fictional account than a memoir. I have read this book as well as his follow-up "My Friend Leonard" and still believe that the basic message of both books is apparent and inspirational. For anyone who has not read either book I highly suggest you do. Afterall, Oprah is an advocate and she is pretty much the most powerful force in the universe. They actually ran over into 360 with Anderson Cooper last night just so Oprah could finish what she had to say. They alter programming for the President and Oprah.
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weird thing is, my post yesterday was gonna be about creating the perfect gift basket...
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