Rach and I sat through a whole Late Show with Craig Ferguson last night in hot anticipation for Wolf Parade's performance... and what did we get you ask? A whole lot of monologue I couldn't understand, a pleasant chat with that dude who was the boss on Anchorman, and then some boring lady who I turned off to watch Conan. Why did she deserve two segments? Rach kept saying- they have like one minute to perform, it better be the quickest song in the world-but i kept the hope alive- and then...
They were bumped til tonight.
And yet despite my frustration and lack of sleep from yesterday, I will stay up and watch because I'm coo coo for wolf parade puffs. And so will Rach, because she's my girl. Are you my girl Craig? If you aren't, sleep with one eye open my friend, 'cause I'll switch back to Conan...oh yes I will.
And by the way- the new AIM bot Shopping Buddy apparantly has a problem with Jay and me.
wiscod: dildo harness
ShoppingBuddy: Hey -- clean up the language and get serious. I'm happy to help but can't deal with that mouth.
wiscod: penis enhancer
ShoppingBuddy: Clean it up a little -- this is a family bot.
wiscod: big floppy donkey dildo
ShoppingBuddy: Good grief, I'm afraid I cannot respond to that kind of talk.
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