New and improved. No men allowed. Also: Pink is for pussies.
Totes..Probs...Faves of 2005
Dane: If I could I would just have repeated #'s 1&2 over and over.
1. Wolf Parade - Apologies To The Queen Mary
* Well, duh, ask anyone: WP=Dana, Dana=WP. Best music I've heard in EVER. If God were to write a song, it would sound just like "I'll Believe Anything."
2. Tapes 'N Tapes - The Loon
*Del told me people who love WP would love TnT- this is not a rumor, it's a trumor. I love this band.
3. The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan
* Never was a WS fan until I heard this album, I guess I was in a "Denial Twist"- get it? neither do I...
4. Art Brut - Bang Bang Rock and Roll
* Lead singer Eddie Argos had me chanting "Modern Art makes me want to rock out" so passionately, I destroyed a Gauguin... and I love me some Gauguin.
5. Spoon - Gimme Fiction
*Finally got into Spoon this year thanks to this album...I also watched Mere fall down some stairs at one of their shows...classic TPM move, classic TPM album.
6. Love As Laughter- Laughter's Fifth
* Sam Jayne's voice is too cute. I heart him and his makeshift heart.
7. Apollo Sunshine - Apollo Sunshine
* Loved these Katatonia, MA boys for awhile- mark my words- the xylophone is the new lead guitar- tho they can also wail on their Fenders like it's nobody's bidness.
8. And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead- World's Apart
* This band is all over the place and I love it- they make me want to cry, beat your face, and then make sweet sweet love all in one song.
9. The National- Alligator
* Sometimes I get frustrated with their lyrics, but then the lead singer croons "I'm so sorry for everything" and I melt.
10. Augustana- All The Stars and Boulevards
* Yes I work with them, but who cares, this album has amazingly beautiful tunage.
1. New Pornographers- Twin Cinema
*This is the album that helped inspire me to start doing indie rock aerobics at shows much to the dismay of hipsters everywhere. And Neko Case does an amazing Stevie Nicks cover - I LOVE covers.
2. Decemberists- Picaresque
*A whimsical tale of whales and mariners that makes me want to hit the open sea - I am also obsessed with the accordian/keyboard player.
3. Kanye West- Late Registration
My boo is a lyrical genius and Gold Digga is one of the best jams of the year.
4. Shout Out Louds- Howl, Howl, Gaff, Gaff
*Not to sound like a dork but this album just makes me smile every time I hear it
5. Tom Vek- We Have Sound
*It is amazing what one person can accomplish (whoa, did I really say that?)
6. Doves- Some Cities
*One of my favorite bands to see live or to listen to while driving
7. Spoon- Gimme Fiction
*I like Spoon so much that I fell down the stairs at their last NYC show. They make me weak in the knees.
8. LCD Soundsystem- LCD Soundsystem
*I like dancing and sweating almost as much as Jay does.
9. Art Brut- Bang Bang Rock and Roll
*Cocky Brits are totally my thing.
10. Youth Group- Skeleton Jar
* I like to put this album on and cry every time I realize that I'll never be Australian or a good singer.
1. White Stripes- Get Behind Me Satan
* Jack still freaks me out big time but wow, I love it when he sings about Rita
Hayworth and his door bell. Whenever Blue Orchid comes on, I always flash back to
rockin out in Hawkins car on the way back from seein the Pixies at Jones Beach, thinkin, "Holy shit, this album sounds so much more badass in this Subaru Outback."
2. New Pornographers- Twin Cinema
* These guys are so pop-tastic, I really can't get enough! Like Christmas Gift
basket confections, you just cannot stop yourself! That Neko really knows what's up and every tune on the album is conducive to a wide array of indie rock aerobic
moves. And 1,2,3,4, fist pump right, grape vine it out! Use it Toniiiiiiight!
3. Spoon- Gimme Fiction
* Britt can do no wrong, "I Turn My Camera On" is the most sultry summer jam ever! Ok, accept for "Its Gettin Hot In Herre"
4.Wolf Parade- Apologies to the Queen Mary
* I'll Believe in Anything...that Dana tells me to. Wasn't a hard sell, I obvs heart
5. M.I.A.- Arular
* What can I get for $10? Anything you want! How can you not jump around your Fire Island rental's kitchen when this shit comes on?
6. Sufjan Stevens- Come On Feel The Illinoise
* So smooth, so epic - I close my eyes and get whisked away to the Midwest.
Mmmm, corn.
7. Kaiser Chiefs- Employment
* Balcony or no, I predict... that this will always be my favorite Bowery
Ballroom concert.
8. LCD Soundsystem- LCD Soundsystem
* Cow bell will make transit workers stop striking, make your ass look smaller in those jeans and LCD's music sound delicious!
9. Apollo Sunshine- Apollo Sunshine
* Jesse and the gang will get you do si do-ing in no time with twammy (twangy +
jammy) goodness!
10. Supergrass- Road to Rouen
* 'Member when the little one tried to push the big one into the trash? This album
is rugged!
10. Bloc Party- "Silent Alarm": They like Gang of Four a lot. So what? So do I. Seeing them play "Banquet" under the tent at Coachella might have been the funnest few minutes of the year for me.
9. M.I.A.- "Arular": I don't really know what you call this music, but I call it infectious as fuck. Not since the Clash made music has a political record made me want to dance so badly.
8. LCD Soundsystem- "s/t" : This guy wears so many of his musical influences on his sleeves, thank God he's got such a great record collection.
7. Wolf Parade- "Apologies to the Queen Mary": Dana will probably kill me that this isn't higher on my list, but I really do love every song on this album and expect great things from these weirdos.
6. The White Stripes- "Get Behind Me Satan": Who were the people that didn't love this album? Show 'em to me and I'll convince them otherwise. Jack and Meg are always impressing me and this album ranks as some of their best stuff in my opinion.
5. Sufjan Stevens- "Come On Feel the Illinoise": I must admit that I don't always make it all the way through this album and frankly I don't even need to sometimes. There is so much beauty packed onto the front part of this album that I was always going back to the beginning hearing new stuff all the time.
4. My Morning Jacket- "Z": Jim James is a bad ass, that much is obvious. He had always produced his own albums before, but I'm glad he got the assistance of former Radiohead producer John Leckie to help him out on his strange fantastic spacey album.
3. Spoon- "Gimme Fiction": Their best album yet? Maybe. Maybe not. Tough to say, but why argue when they're all so good. These Austin boys really have an unmistakeable sound thats all their own and continue to blow me away every time I see them.
2. The New Pornographers-"Twin Cinema": Carl Newman could take a dump in the recording studio and I'm pretty sure that it would still sound great and that I would run out to get it. There's always so much stuff going on in a New Porns release that sometimes its a bit overwhelming, but if you are patient with it you will be rewarded handsomely.
1. Black Mountain- "s/t": For some reason I keep coming back to this album and I think its the record that impressed me the most all year. I couldn't recommend it enough. You will need: Headphones. Eyes closed. Enjoy.
(a note from dana- I tried to keep the format consistent when posting this, but I give up- I need to figure out a way to get home instead!)
a friendly reminder to not forget the festivities this thursday
Big thanks to the MTA for not striking. Thank god I didn't stay out late drinking last night thinking I could sleep in and not go to work today... PHEW. And when I say PHEW, I mean I hate all of you.
Hats off to Big Hassle for throwing another winner of a holiday party. Who can deny 10 kegs and a view of Long Island Bay (wait that might not be right, whatevs)... even if we had to battle freezing rain to fill our cups up with another cold one? James Iha was kicking out the jams hardcore - - did anyone else enjoy those two guys dancing raver style to his beats? Throw those kids a pair of glow sticks and watch them roll...literally. Rachel became tongue-tied (wait did pigs fly?) when she met some stand up comedian I had never heard of. And of course, it's never an actual party until the ladies of TPM lose one of their own. And when we say one of their own we mean Meredith. If you have tips on where she is please call our hotline at 800-lost-shortgirl.
Weekend Preview:
Friday: We have a date with a giant ape. No, it's not me. We're going to see King Kong! No partying, you ask? Nay. We're gearing up for Saturday.
Saturday: Most of the day will be spent with my #1 pet peeve, shopping in Soho. Although things might be shaken up this year with a trip to Williamsburg to find our loved ones gifts... which is also the location of the first phase to operation drunky. I believe it's a karaoke dinner party. Warning: Pina Colada will be sung by a member of TPM (dana) accompanied by kickass backup dancers (rach and mere). After that who knows where the night will take us, but hopefully it will culminate in our searching for Meredith.
Sunday: I'll be at Jamal's watching the first season of Lost. There is no better time to lose yourself (get it?!) in a tv show. Although I probs (totes and maybs) should continue my xmas shopping... but i just can't... i can't ... Mere is having TPM's over for a holiday whiskey party at her place. The B Trifecta: Board Games, Booze, and Babes... HOLLER!
Does this photo need an explanation? Doubt it! Whoa dude- let's give up the vanity project. Wonder how many ladies this guy scores with that thing. I'm gonna go ahead and say none.
And now on another note. Does anyone remember Zack Attack? The rock band that Zack, Kelly, Lisa, Screech, AC and Jessie created on the best show ever Saved By The Bell. Well needless to say I was a big fan. I sat in front of the tv and taped each song, followed by memorization of the lyrics, followed by a karaoke-down in front of my mirror (it beat those times I locked myself in the basement and sang Whitney Houston's version of "I Will Always Love You"... ever hear a cat die? yeah that was me).
Anywho- the lovely and talented Jaime so nicely forwarded me snippets of the songs for our enjoyment. You can hear it here.
and view the myspace page here.
Zack Attack- I'm patiently waiting for your reunion. And make sure Screech and Mr. Belding are an item by now.
Dana- Edit the Sad Parts/ Modest Mouse
Rach- Handshake Drugs/Wilco (from Kicking Television Live in Chicago)
Mere- n/a out of the office
del- mia in dallas. literally. not the artist mia. but that could be his choice.
Hours of Molly Ringwald dance moves: 3
Items Lost: 1
Items Found: 1
Hide your good Pinot, the wrecking crew has tons more parties to storm: ELLEgirl Music Issue Celebration, No Data Holiday Party 2.0, Jen Scanlin's Kareoke House Party, Dennis Publishing Company Holiday Bash, Mere's Whiskey Game Night
If you or someone you know are hosting a holiday soiree you'd like us to crash, send us an e-mail - we'll probs bring a fruitcake or a carton of cigarettes to show our gratitude...
Dane - How We Know/ The Thermals
Rach - Cigarette Smoke/Arctic Monkeys
Mere - Over and Over/Hot Chip
Del - Metal Detektor/Spoon