Tuesday, January 10, 2006

It's Our Obligation 2 U

I'm not going to review last night's Tapes 'n Tapes show at the Mercury Lounge because:
a) everyone else already has,
b) it wasn't my fav and I refuse to write bad things about them, and
c) my ears hurt so bad- it's like someone took a giant q-tip and crammed it into my ears as hard as possible. I'm a superfan, but good lord, I'm standing in the back from now on. Hell I'm tall enough to see over 90% of the crowd.

Our good friend Productshop NYC is throwing a party on Thursday. Remembs the first Mario Bros. ? I'm instantly reminded of the good ol days of Nintendo thumb, eating tombstone pizzas and listening to Bon Jovi. Also known as last weekend.


DDD said...

No offense intended to TPM contributors. I was just going for comedic effect.

DDD said...

However, if I had seen the poster before I wrote that post I certainly would have included some words on thier incredibly cliched use of the old school pixelated video game motif.