Please note on the setlist that they put Keith's initials on the songs that he is supposed to sing because let's face it, he could easily forget. Also please note the autograph of touring keyboardist Chuck Leavell. It was already autographed when I caught the setlist.
I told Noah about the show and about all the songs they did. Told him about how it still wasn't as good as the Madison Square Garden show, but that they did play "Shattered". His reply: "like the legs of the dude you fell over." Ouch. Very ouch. The remainder of the night was spent with my new friend Trevor (see pic below) drinking whisky. Just look at that 'stache!!!!!!! We had met once before in Austin and I spotted him as I was walking out. He is in a band called Lions. They have a page on myspace. This pic was taken during the ACL after party. So to clear up any confusion, no Rachel was not in town last night, but I really wished that she was. Trevor was with his friend PJ who was on some mushrooms and apparently the show changed his life.