Wednesday, January 21, 2009

No need to hate on 2008

It wasn't always rainbows and unicorns, but I've been reflecting and I've decided 08 got a bum wrap. It wasn't a total wash.
Some rad stuff happened, lets reminisce:

Barack was elected!

Some indie rock bands made totes awes albums:
- Wolf Parade, At Mount Zoomer
- TV on the Radio, Dear Science
- Santogold, Santogold
- AA Bondy, American Heart
- Girl Talk, Feed the Animals
- Fleet Foxes, Sun Giant EP/Fleet Foxes
- Hot Chip, Made in the Dark
- Of Montreal, Skeletal Lamping

This horse was not harmed in the making of this concert

Spencer drips for Dane

I must admit, I liked a few movies.

Delaney Kate and Oliver Holden were born!

We had good times at 12 Seneca for a second summer in a row!

Indoor crotch Kadima, a Fire Island sensation

We bonded with Scoots and frolicked in fall color!

Woot,requisite Storm King sculpture pose

Sarah and Drewber got hitched!

Jaime got preggo!

Practices birthing a pumpkin

Dana discovered Twilight.

1 comment:

Debbie Anderson said...

Thanks for finally updating the blog!! I was hating Saved by Zero for the last few months.

Here's to a great 2009!