Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oldie but Goodie

I must admit, I made out like a bandit for my 31st b-day, a blue fleece bandit.

Old people need Snuggies cause its really rough on us when we have to get up to grab a phone call and the blanket falls off of our cold frail bodies. Thank you Sar & Drew!

Thanks to my wonderful friends for another great year, aging ain't so bad with you guys around!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

No need to hate on 2008

It wasn't always rainbows and unicorns, but I've been reflecting and I've decided 08 got a bum wrap. It wasn't a total wash.
Some rad stuff happened, lets reminisce:

Barack was elected!

Some indie rock bands made totes awes albums:
- Wolf Parade, At Mount Zoomer
- TV on the Radio, Dear Science
- Santogold, Santogold
- AA Bondy, American Heart
- Girl Talk, Feed the Animals
- Fleet Foxes, Sun Giant EP/Fleet Foxes
- Hot Chip, Made in the Dark
- Of Montreal, Skeletal Lamping

This horse was not harmed in the making of this concert

Spencer drips for Dane

I must admit, I liked a few movies.

Delaney Kate and Oliver Holden were born!

We had good times at 12 Seneca for a second summer in a row!

Indoor crotch Kadima, a Fire Island sensation

We bonded with Scoots and frolicked in fall color!

Woot,requisite Storm King sculpture pose

Sarah and Drewber got hitched!

Jaime got preggo!

Practices birthing a pumpkin

Dana discovered Twilight.