Opening ceremonies, the lighting of the torch...

Every good competish starts with a team huddle (read: everyone gathering to complain about when we'd start dinner)

Team "CapTan Dan's Short and Curlies, Bitches!" vs Team "We'll Eff You Up Seneca Style" in the dizzy bat finals...

Talking egg spoon strategy, hoping we don't get snubbed by the Australian judge.

Foul play afoot, Mere just can't stick her landing after getting attacked by a water balloon...

There are no winners or losers, we stand together as one...

Just kiddin, scoreboard bitches!!!!!!!

Later that night, the Olympic village was a-rockin. We kicked things off with celebratory feast where Hungarians, Robots, Cherokees, Deer, WASPs and chic people came together to eat, drink and be merry (and sing "Trippin Billies"...)

Euros are so weird (and its true what they say about their bad teeth)

Mere takes the gold for individual table dancing!
Then, with only 20 minutes between competitions, without a warm down, she takes gold again for her 50m piggybacking...(eat that, Phelps!)

See ya in Sept homies, USA!
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