I remember watching this episode with Jamal Tang where Stan's dad vies for the world record of biggest crap, only to find out that the world record holder is Bono. All is revealed when we find out that Bono is actually a piece of crap himself. Classic South Park.
I think the kicker is the scene where Bono just runs off the shouting "Yeah Yeah Yeah". Jamal and I were speechless.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
You Can't Win 'Em All But...

Bummed to report that neither the Gators nor the Packers took the ESPN "Titletown USA" crown this week BUT for the first time ever, my alma mater was declared "#1 party school in the nation." UF has made the list for the last 15 years but apparently it took back-to-back national championships, Emmitt winning Dancing with the Stars (who wouldn't drink to that?), a Heisman and some alcohol related deaths for us to finally get our propers. Thanks Princeton Review!
My fave student quote in the announcement about the prestigious honor:
"We don't even need to study that much," says one junior. "We know that we'll still get the grade, even with a hangover." Orrrrrr maybs its cause Fla offers badass classes like Growing Fruit for Fun and Profit or The Meat we Eat. (I aced both...with a hangover natch!)
Find out if your college made the cut here.
Wherefore Art Thou Trent?

Sandwiched in between my tween adoration of NKOTB and Eddie Vedder, and right after I fell for the guy who played Pony Boy in the Milwaukee Repertory Theater's version of The Outsiders (somewhere, there's a notebook where I wrote "I love Pony Boy" repeatedly in Mr. Butt's class).... there was the gymnast named Trent Dimas.
You may remember him from his near perfect high-bar performance at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona. I remember him as the short gymnast who stole my heart. Watch and enjoy how he nails this routine right down to the triple tuck dismount. Swoon. My love for him even went so far as to drive me to chase his tour bus with Jamal Tang after local exhibition show. Sigh. His story is one for the legends...barely making it to the games, not even a contender, showing up and nailing the routine of his life. Thump thump!
Turns out Trent is more than just my heartthrob. After winning the gold medal, he went back to school, became a lawyer, moved home to New Mexico and now works at a bank. Brains? check plus! Heart of gold? you bet. He's currently sponsoring one of the US male gmnasts, Joey Hagerty, in this year's olympics. Long live Trent!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Current Obsession: Poppin 'n Lockin
My latest guilty pleasure: Randy Jackson's America's Best Dance Crew on MTV.
For those who haven't discovered how brilliant this show is, let me break it down for you (see what I did there?)
Each week, ya got dance crews from all over the US getting challenged with some kind of themed choreography - one week there was a Janet Jackson challenge, one week there was a music video challenge. Last night they had to create beats out of high school gym equipment. Which may sound random but they totes all brought it. These b-boy dudes (and some chicks) can not only dance, they also have awesome comedy skills and are incredibly creative.
My fave crew is called "SuperCr3w". Here's a taste em:
Did I mention Lil Mama and JC Chasez are judges? Genius! Hands down, its the best thing on MTV since the first Real World. Ok, fine, since The Hills.
America's Best Dance Crew LIVE
Sep 23- WaMu Theater at Madison Square Garden
For those who haven't discovered how brilliant this show is, let me break it down for you (see what I did there?)
Each week, ya got dance crews from all over the US getting challenged with some kind of themed choreography - one week there was a Janet Jackson challenge, one week there was a music video challenge. Last night they had to create beats out of high school gym equipment. Which may sound random but they totes all brought it. These b-boy dudes (and some chicks) can not only dance, they also have awesome comedy skills and are incredibly creative.
My fave crew is called "SuperCr3w". Here's a taste em:
Did I mention Lil Mama and JC Chasez are judges? Genius! Hands down, its the best thing on MTV since the first Real World. Ok, fine, since The Hills.
America's Best Dance Crew LIVE
Sep 23- WaMu Theater at Madison Square Garden
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
TPB Goes to the Movies
It kind of shocks me how many movies I've hit up this summer. I mean, I've probably consumed 4 gallons of Cherry Coke (my exclusive movie theater beverage!), I have the entire Tropic Thunder trailer memorized and I've become very VERY good at sneaking outside food into the theater. What can I say? The AC is my amigo.
I'm no Neil Rosen, but I've decided its time for a mid-summer movie report card with Billiam, my movie theater etiquette-challenged bud, as my Ebert. Of course I'm Roeper.
Assuming the "blockbuster summer movie" season started in May and based on a scale of Totes to Maybs, here...we...go (grab popcorn now!)

Ironman: TOTES+
Holy shit, talk about a come back - I heart Rob Downey Jr in a major way now. More than I liked him in Chances Are and Less Than Zero. I laughed, I cried, I oohed and aahed. I even was a fan of Gwenyth P! Bravo John Favreau, you've completely redeemed Made. GO SEE THIS MOVIE IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY! You won't regret it.
The true test, did Bilf fall asleep? Hells no, he high fived me like, 3 times and more than once said in his regular speaking voice (not a whisper), "this is awesome!" and that was only like, 13 minutes into the film.
Indiana Jones: MAYBS-
I LOVE the franchise but I simply could not get behind this wackadoodle plot line. Come ON! I mean, the CGI was like, Shark Attack 3-esque. Loved that hot little Shia LaBoeuf as the rebellious greaser kid though, yum.
The true test, did Bilf fall asleep? Maybe twice, also complained a lot and ate 3 Taco Bell burritos loudly

Sex and the City: PROBS+
Sometimes I found myself laughing with the girls, a LOT of times I was laughing at them. Particularly at any outfit of Miranda's (as evidenced by this brown on brown on brown on brown number at right). Oh and the bridge scene, Steve's face was priceless. I know I was supposed to be crying, but my whole row of bushy beaver brigade bitches was rollin in the aisles.
The true test, did Bilf fall asleep? This was an all girls night, but I bet you money he would be snoozing before they got to Mexico.
Wall-E: PROBS+
So sweet. Loved the message, loved the animation and scenery. Didn't love the use of Fred Willard but forgivable. Not my fave Pixar flick but definitely memorable.
The true test, did Bilf fall asleep? For at least 15 minutes, then proceeded to complain about how there was no dialogue and hated how all the robots could say was each other's names...IN the movie, in his regular speaking voice. I think he also checked email and texted. That jerk almost ruined this one for me.

The Wackness: TOTES-
Anyone who went to school in the mid 90s will love this, espesh if you were into hip hop. Or weed. Or losing your virginity. Had some slow moments but overall, loved the whole cast and that adorable Josh Peck (who used to be not so adorable) AND the Fire Island shout out. It makes you want to go make a mix tape.
The true test, did Bilf fall asleep? He faked falling asleep a few times, just to grind my gears but ultimately liked it, especially when things got sexy. Perv!

The Dark Knight: TOTES+
I'd been looking forward to this one for a long time and not even a raging headache or Dana's panicked deep breathing was going to thwart my enjoyment. Heath's performance was completely hype-worthy. He successfully freaked Dana out, as evidenced by the scratches on Kyle's arms. With the exception of being a little overly gravel-y, C. Bale was SO hot! I even thought Aaron Eckhardt killed it (although, was that face necessary?!) The audience, including us, clapped and cheered and kinda gagged a little multiple times throughout this movie.
The true test, did Bilf fall asleep? I've heard he was awake, but barely. He said "meh" and pointed out a few plot holes but hes going to see it again on IMAX, so he couldn't have hated it.
Other upcoming summer movies with potensh:
Pineapple Express (duh!)
Hamlet 2
Tropic Thunder (RDJ, you rule!)
I'm no Neil Rosen, but I've decided its time for a mid-summer movie report card with Billiam, my movie theater etiquette-challenged bud, as my Ebert. Of course I'm Roeper.
Assuming the "blockbuster summer movie" season started in May and based on a scale of Totes to Maybs, here...we...go (grab popcorn now!)

Ironman: TOTES+
Holy shit, talk about a come back - I heart Rob Downey Jr in a major way now. More than I liked him in Chances Are and Less Than Zero. I laughed, I cried, I oohed and aahed. I even was a fan of Gwenyth P! Bravo John Favreau, you've completely redeemed Made. GO SEE THIS MOVIE IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY! You won't regret it.
The true test, did Bilf fall asleep? Hells no, he high fived me like, 3 times and more than once said in his regular speaking voice (not a whisper), "this is awesome!" and that was only like, 13 minutes into the film.
Indiana Jones: MAYBS-
I LOVE the franchise but I simply could not get behind this wackadoodle plot line. Come ON! I mean, the CGI was like, Shark Attack 3-esque. Loved that hot little Shia LaBoeuf as the rebellious greaser kid though, yum.
The true test, did Bilf fall asleep? Maybe twice, also complained a lot and ate 3 Taco Bell burritos loudly

Sex and the City: PROBS+
Sometimes I found myself laughing with the girls, a LOT of times I was laughing at them. Particularly at any outfit of Miranda's (as evidenced by this brown on brown on brown on brown number at right). Oh and the bridge scene, Steve's face was priceless. I know I was supposed to be crying, but my whole row of bushy beaver brigade bitches was rollin in the aisles.
The true test, did Bilf fall asleep? This was an all girls night, but I bet you money he would be snoozing before they got to Mexico.
Wall-E: PROBS+
So sweet. Loved the message, loved the animation and scenery. Didn't love the use of Fred Willard but forgivable. Not my fave Pixar flick but definitely memorable.
The true test, did Bilf fall asleep? For at least 15 minutes, then proceeded to complain about how there was no dialogue and hated how all the robots could say was each other's names...IN the movie, in his regular speaking voice. I think he also checked email and texted. That jerk almost ruined this one for me.

The Wackness: TOTES-
Anyone who went to school in the mid 90s will love this, espesh if you were into hip hop. Or weed. Or losing your virginity. Had some slow moments but overall, loved the whole cast and that adorable Josh Peck (who used to be not so adorable) AND the Fire Island shout out. It makes you want to go make a mix tape.
The true test, did Bilf fall asleep? He faked falling asleep a few times, just to grind my gears but ultimately liked it, especially when things got sexy. Perv!

The Dark Knight: TOTES+
I'd been looking forward to this one for a long time and not even a raging headache or Dana's panicked deep breathing was going to thwart my enjoyment. Heath's performance was completely hype-worthy. He successfully freaked Dana out, as evidenced by the scratches on Kyle's arms. With the exception of being a little overly gravel-y, C. Bale was SO hot! I even thought Aaron Eckhardt killed it (although, was that face necessary?!) The audience, including us, clapped and cheered and kinda gagged a little multiple times throughout this movie.
The true test, did Bilf fall asleep? I've heard he was awake, but barely. He said "meh" and pointed out a few plot holes but hes going to see it again on IMAX, so he couldn't have hated it.
Other upcoming summer movies with potensh:
Pineapple Express (duh!)
Hamlet 2
Tropic Thunder (RDJ, you rule!)
America's Next Top Model
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
So Long Estelle... a tribute by Holmes
I was 8 or 9 when "The Golden Girls" first arrived on the airwaves. I've always said that I may have been an old black woman in another life, and something about this show just hit a nerve with me in a way that it probably did very, very few other kids my age. I watched it a lot with my elderly great-aunts, who would babysit my brother and I on Saturday nights. Even if I didn't get a lot of the humor, it still made me laugh. Much to the chagrin of my friends, I kept watching "GG" re-runs through college and into adulthood, and I even managed to rope in a few people to slowly come to appreciate the show like I did (one of my buddies created a mock tribute to Bea Arthur on the late Web site PublicNigmity.com which outraged actual Bea Arthur fans online). As Sophia, Getty created one of the most memorable characters in recent TV history: a cantankerous 80-something Italian immigrant who raised so much hell at the nursing home (Shady Pines) that her daughter was forced to bring her back to Miami to live with her and her two roommates. Sophia cooked spaghetti sauce in the middle of the night. She always wore her purse, even when in her nightgown. She prowled for men while the other Girls were away on a Caribbean vacation. She stole daughter Dorothy's credit card and went on a Christmas shopping spree. And she made us laugh, a lot. We'll miss ya, ma! We're also renting "Mannequin" in your honor.
and now an episode of Sophia renting porn:
and now an episode of Sophia renting porn:
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
How I Could Just Killa Man!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Things that make you go Mmmmm...
There's really nothing more American than gluttony and over the July 4th holiday weekend, the TPB crew got really effing patriotic. I don't know about the other babes but I'm still full from our good ol fashioned Brooklyn food marathon. Here’s a run down of the damage and some recos for our (5) loyal readers:
All-You-Can-Eat Blue Crabs at Clemente’s (Sheepshead Bay)
Thanks to Famous Fat Dave for tippin' us off to this authentic crab shack on the water. Even bigger props to El and Dave Dolgen for treating us to the Old Bay smothered crustaceans with all the fixins. John is probs still eating his leftovers at this very moment. Seriously, Jack please tell your ma and pa that they are the real deal!
Banana Splits and Shakes at Hinsch’s (Bay Ridge)
We were the only people in this old timey soda shop under the age of 80. (I overheard one grandma ordering shrimp salad and a coffee, she may have been on oxygen. But don't get me wrong, I love old people.) As we all sidled up to the counter, we knew it was a “go big or go home” sitch. Dane and I took down an ice cream explosion called the Banana Deluxe or something awesome like that - picture a dessert that Jughead of Archie comic book fame would order at Pop Tate’s.
Enchiladas and Margs at Alma (Red Hook)
Why is this the 1st time I’ve been to this spot? The margs were delish, the view of the city at sunset was even better. You can even spy the back of the Governor’s Island! I was so inspired by the vistas that I almost proposed to WiscoD.
Corn, Cuban Sandwiches and Frojitos at Habana Outpost (Ft Greene)
This place is a no brainer, especially after a fun little trip to the Brooklyn Flea (where we had an appetizer of zucchini papusas, woot!) I've yet to ride the smoothie blending stationary bike but after hearing that it's reserved only for non-alcoholic drinks, I'm kinda over it. One thing I'm not over: the amazing summertime social calendar which included a screening of Scarface and a party called "Jheri Curl Jams," no lie. I might need to go back for that one.
Believe it or not, we consumed all of these meals within one 24 hour period with little to no heartburn or pants splitting reported. And you can too! Now get out there and eat your face off!!
All-You-Can-Eat Blue Crabs at Clemente’s (Sheepshead Bay)
Thanks to Famous Fat Dave for tippin' us off to this authentic crab shack on the water. Even bigger props to El and Dave Dolgen for treating us to the Old Bay smothered crustaceans with all the fixins. John is probs still eating his leftovers at this very moment. Seriously, Jack please tell your ma and pa that they are the real deal!
Banana Splits and Shakes at Hinsch’s (Bay Ridge)
We were the only people in this old timey soda shop under the age of 80. (I overheard one grandma ordering shrimp salad and a coffee, she may have been on oxygen. But don't get me wrong, I love old people.) As we all sidled up to the counter, we knew it was a “go big or go home” sitch. Dane and I took down an ice cream explosion called the Banana Deluxe or something awesome like that - picture a dessert that Jughead of Archie comic book fame would order at Pop Tate’s.
Enchiladas and Margs at Alma (Red Hook)
Why is this the 1st time I’ve been to this spot? The margs were delish, the view of the city at sunset was even better. You can even spy the back of the Governor’s Island! I was so inspired by the vistas that I almost proposed to WiscoD.
Corn, Cuban Sandwiches and Frojitos at Habana Outpost (Ft Greene)
This place is a no brainer, especially after a fun little trip to the Brooklyn Flea (where we had an appetizer of zucchini papusas, woot!) I've yet to ride the smoothie blending stationary bike but after hearing that it's reserved only for non-alcoholic drinks, I'm kinda over it. One thing I'm not over: the amazing summertime social calendar which included a screening of Scarface and a party called "Jheri Curl Jams," no lie. I might need to go back for that one.
Believe it or not, we consumed all of these meals within one 24 hour period with little to no heartburn or pants splitting reported. And you can too! Now get out there and eat your face off!!
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
New weekly segment
I'm implementing a new weekly segment for the enjoyment of our readers titled "Favorite South Park Moments"
It's pretty self-explanatory what it will be about, so hopefully you, our faithful reader, enjoy the show as much as I do. So in the immortal words of Towlie, "wanna get high?"
This episode may rank up next to "Stan's Mutant Twin" as my all time favorite episode.
You can watch the full one here- www.allsp.com season 5 "Towlie"
It's pretty self-explanatory what it will be about, so hopefully you, our faithful reader, enjoy the show as much as I do. So in the immortal words of Towlie, "wanna get high?"
This episode may rank up next to "Stan's Mutant Twin" as my all time favorite episode.
You can watch the full one here- www.allsp.com season 5 "Towlie"
Monday, July 07, 2008
Party Wrecker 911
I've just learned via MSN that there are 5 types of guests who can potentially ruin you summer soirees. Bottom line - avoid inviting me to parties whenever possible. They do provide helpful tips on how to deal with your not so perfect friends so perhaps there is hope afterall...
The Spiller
He's animated, gregarious, and larger than life -- and it's one of the reasons you love him so much.
The MO: Put a drink in his hands and he wreaks mass destruction on the walls, window treatments, and upholstery. It's hilarious when he spills beer on the barstool at your favorite watering hole; it isn't so funny when he's sloshed red wine all over your brand-new sofa.
The Fix: It's summer, so keep the drinks, food, and entertainment al fresco. That way, when The Spiller gears up to tell that story about his drunken fishing trip with the guys, cleanup is just a hose away.
The Clinger
She's your best friend and needs to know she's your #1, but having her taped to your side as you're prepping the eats and trying to greet all your guests is exhausting (not to mention downright annoying).
The MO: No matter how long she's known your friends, she just can't resist being at your side all night long.
The Fix: You indulge her 364 days a year, but the day of your party isn't the time for extreme one-on-one bonding. Take her aside before the party; explain that you've got a lot of guests coming and that you need to be a gracious hostess and spend time with everyone. Ask her to invite another friend she can cling to while you're busy socializing.
The Fish
As in drinks like one. She blended into the scenery during your college days, but she's becoming an endangered species now that most of you are older and a little wiser.
The MO: She doesn't show up at the party ready to get completely hammered -- it just happens. The same way it's been happening for the past eight years.
The Fix: Let's face it: You're hosting a party, not an intervention. As Dr. Phil says, "The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior."So cut down on the late-night drama and ask her to spend the night beforehand. When you see that glazed look come over her, guide her straight into the bedroom to sleep it off.
The Fun Sucker
Otherwise known as "Debbie Downer."After a few minutes of her doomsday stories, your guests will be running to refill their drinks or -- even worse -- for the door.
The MO: Incapable of reading signs of distress and discomfort in others, The Fun Sucker's cloud can darken any room as she extols upon everything from the failing economy to her dysfunctional bowels.
The Fix: Stop her from cornering your guests by keeping the party circulating and the conversation flowing. Make food an event by setting up stations (think pizza or burgers with all the fixings or Southern barbecue with lots of sides). Games of all sorts -- not just athletic ones -- help keep the company and conversation light. If that doesn't work, take your friend aside and ask her to help you prepare dessert or man the grill. Distract her from depressing your guests!
The Vince Chase
You know, the guy with the entourage. He might not be as good-looking as Adrian Grenier, but he's got his very own Turtle, Drama, and E -- and not one of them is a friend of yours.
The MO: He RSVPs for one but always shows up with four or five other dudes. Your bash is just one of the stops on his all-night party circuit.
The Fix: If you want your summer party to be an intimate gathering of very close friends, you might want to think twice about inviting your own Vince Chase. If this is a summer blowout of massive proportions, invite him with the knowledge that he'll have his posse in tow. The more the merrier, right?
When you plan ahead, any party can be a success, no matter who's on the guest list. The most important thing is to allow for your friends' unique personalities and work around them. After all, the point of hosting a summer soiree is to enjoy the company of your nearest and dearest -- with warts and all.
The Spiller
He's animated, gregarious, and larger than life -- and it's one of the reasons you love him so much.
The MO: Put a drink in his hands and he wreaks mass destruction on the walls, window treatments, and upholstery. It's hilarious when he spills beer on the barstool at your favorite watering hole; it isn't so funny when he's sloshed red wine all over your brand-new sofa.
The Fix: It's summer, so keep the drinks, food, and entertainment al fresco. That way, when The Spiller gears up to tell that story about his drunken fishing trip with the guys, cleanup is just a hose away.
The Clinger
She's your best friend and needs to know she's your #1, but having her taped to your side as you're prepping the eats and trying to greet all your guests is exhausting (not to mention downright annoying).
The MO: No matter how long she's known your friends, she just can't resist being at your side all night long.
The Fix: You indulge her 364 days a year, but the day of your party isn't the time for extreme one-on-one bonding. Take her aside before the party; explain that you've got a lot of guests coming and that you need to be a gracious hostess and spend time with everyone. Ask her to invite another friend she can cling to while you're busy socializing.
The Fish
As in drinks like one. She blended into the scenery during your college days, but she's becoming an endangered species now that most of you are older and a little wiser.
The MO: She doesn't show up at the party ready to get completely hammered -- it just happens. The same way it's been happening for the past eight years.
The Fix: Let's face it: You're hosting a party, not an intervention. As Dr. Phil says, "The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior."So cut down on the late-night drama and ask her to spend the night beforehand. When you see that glazed look come over her, guide her straight into the bedroom to sleep it off.
The Fun Sucker
Otherwise known as "Debbie Downer."After a few minutes of her doomsday stories, your guests will be running to refill their drinks or -- even worse -- for the door.
The MO: Incapable of reading signs of distress and discomfort in others, The Fun Sucker's cloud can darken any room as she extols upon everything from the failing economy to her dysfunctional bowels.
The Fix: Stop her from cornering your guests by keeping the party circulating and the conversation flowing. Make food an event by setting up stations (think pizza or burgers with all the fixings or Southern barbecue with lots of sides). Games of all sorts -- not just athletic ones -- help keep the company and conversation light. If that doesn't work, take your friend aside and ask her to help you prepare dessert or man the grill. Distract her from depressing your guests!
The Vince Chase
You know, the guy with the entourage. He might not be as good-looking as Adrian Grenier, but he's got his very own Turtle, Drama, and E -- and not one of them is a friend of yours.
The MO: He RSVPs for one but always shows up with four or five other dudes. Your bash is just one of the stops on his all-night party circuit.
The Fix: If you want your summer party to be an intimate gathering of very close friends, you might want to think twice about inviting your own Vince Chase. If this is a summer blowout of massive proportions, invite him with the knowledge that he'll have his posse in tow. The more the merrier, right?
When you plan ahead, any party can be a success, no matter who's on the guest list. The most important thing is to allow for your friends' unique personalities and work around them. After all, the point of hosting a summer soiree is to enjoy the company of your nearest and dearest -- with warts and all.
"Live every week like it's Shark Week"
If you haven't seen any of the new billboards around New York City for this year's upcoming Shark Week on the Discovery Channel, here's one for the scariest show of them all:
Tune in July 27-Aug.2 for the best tv watching week of your life. If you don't get the book reference made above, you can read all about it here.
I tried to find that classic clip of the Tracy Morgan/ 30 Rock quote, but NBC's iron fist has apparently taken it down.
Tracy: But I want you to know something... You and me, it's not gonna be a one-way street. 'Cause I don't believe in one-way streets. Not between people, and not while I'm driving.
Kenneth: Oh, OK.
Tracy: So, here's some advice I wish I woulda got when I was your age: Live every week like it's Shark Week.
followed by another namecheck in a different episode-
Kenneth: Didn't you tell me to live every week like it's Shark Week? And that nothing's impossible except dinosaurs?
MEG: Sunset Shadow Showdown
"Once you see her MAC Sunset Shadow glow...it's too late."
"Once you see her MAC Sunset Shadow glow...it's too late."

I tried to find that classic clip of the Tracy Morgan/ 30 Rock quote, but NBC's iron fist has apparently taken it down.
Tracy: But I want you to know something... You and me, it's not gonna be a one-way street. 'Cause I don't believe in one-way streets. Not between people, and not while I'm driving.
Kenneth: Oh, OK.
Tracy: So, here's some advice I wish I woulda got when I was your age: Live every week like it's Shark Week.
followed by another namecheck in a different episode-
Kenneth: Didn't you tell me to live every week like it's Shark Week? And that nothing's impossible except dinosaurs?
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Just Copy and Paste
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
when your IM is annoying you- let the finger fly.
thanks Frank (via Ben at Secretly Canadian)! (although if the intention for this was not of the friendly sorts, then f**k you too!)
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
when your IM is annoying you- let the finger fly.
thanks Frank (via Ben at Secretly Canadian)! (although if the intention for this was not of the friendly sorts, then f**k you too!)
Looks who's back!

Peaches. Corn. Rooftops. Baseball. S/S Friends Canvas Shorts. Totes Probs Babes.
After quite a long blog sabbatical, we are totes back in season! Just in time for Summah fun!
On the ol 08 To Do List:
1. The Return to 12 Seneca: New characters, new hot tub cover, new plot twists, new kegerator, same Tan Dan.
Don't miss the 2nd annual FI Field Day, winners get free tribal tattoos and a case of Coffee Patron!

2. Tubing + Camping: We join forces with the boys of the NY Surf Club to float down a river while recording a collaborative reggae jam and balancing plates on our heads. Celebrity Circus, eat your heart out.
3. Outdoor Concerts: Spoon. Sonic Youth. MGMT. Black Lips. Spoiler alert - you do NOT want to see Bob Dylan at Prospect Park. Trust me, juuuust trust me.
4. Red Hook Food Coma: I want my papusa, corn, mango, chocolate dipped frozen key lime pie on a stick, Swedish meatball, cupcakes and drinks on the roof on Rocky Sullivan's. And then lets go get some dinner 'round there, k?
5. El and Al Shaps in NYC: Best. Karaoke. Duet. Ever.

6. I Love Money on VH1: Holy shit, the Best Week Ever, Joel McHale and bloggers around the world are wetting themselves over this insanely genius show. I seriously hope Heather and Midget Mac hook up.
7. Governor's Island: Did you know they have free bikes over there? Boat me on over to see dem waterfalls!
8. The Dark Knight: Heath, I miss you. Christian, I love you. Batman series, I worship you. (But how will you hold up against my adoration for Ironman??!!)

9. Aunthood: I will spoil those kids rotten and teach them how to chomp, make 7 layer dip and mix cocktails.
10. The Olympics: If there is one thing I love, its good ol fashion American domination and bawling my eyes out over those damn athletes overcoming obstacles stories.
Rounding it all out: Jack's annual 3rd of July Cookout, Wet Hot American Summer @ McCarren Pool July 8, Wolf Parade @ T5 July 30 + 31, Walking with the Dinosaurs @ MSG on Aug 3, margs, chips, salsa, rinse, repeat...who's comin with me?
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