Anyways, it's 6:40p and I'm taking a brief break, before I pound out somemore work and then head for the soccer field to avenge our last Icy Hot losses.
What am i going to do to relax you ask? well I'm glad you did.
1. I'm going to unwind to music that I love. Right now: Ferraby Lionheart, Eagle Seagull, Swan Lake (well only what has leaked), WP, Beirut, Destroyer, Ween... pretty much nothing has changed in my rotation of tunes for the past couple weeks.
Check out the new Eagle*Seagull video for Photograph. Yaps anyone?
2. Search for things to go in my new apt in Brooklyn with CK1 (Kate!)

3. Fantasize about the weekend. Free Love as Laughter show AND bday parties for Sono Oto and 3xWes!
4. Check up on how my favorite panda, Tai Shan is doing at DC's National Zoo with Panda Cam.

5. Shooting angry thoughts at Rach and Del for going to ACL without me. How i'm going to make it through tomorrow's Wolf Parade set by phone... I do not know.

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