So yeah, as you've noticed, we at TPM have barely been able to post for the last week or so. Del and Rach were at ACL and then had to assimilate back into their normal, non-festival-going lives. Mad props to them for holding up the phone during Wolf Parade’s set for me. It’s almost as if I were actually there…
I had a massively successful album release and show for The Big Sleep this past Tuesday and Thursday. Thanks to everyone who came out and supported them- the show was so much fun!
And Mega is chilling with her mom in Italy, probs drinking boatloads of vino and massive quantities of pasta. Damn her!
Now, before I throw myself back into my life's work, I wanted to point out that there is someone out there who is willing to fight me for the president of the Spencer Krug fanclub.
Last week- this photo was in my email inbox:

and I countered it with this:

We shall see what happens tonight when both me and my adversary are in the same room with the man himself. CK1 (kate) and I were at the show last night and I’m still on a high from it. How can one band be so immeasurably talented? Spencer was in an amazing mood, cracking jokes and interacting with the rambunctious crowd. His new moustache is a thing of beauty… well maybe only to me. Someone in the crowd yelled out “You look like Magnum P.I.!” and when he put on his sweat-head band, he claimed he was The Karate Kid Magnum P.I.”
Oh that guy. He can do no wrong.
I’m pretty sure they played almost every song off of “Shut Up I’m Dreaming Of Places Where Lovers Have Wings”, plus a new one, as well as Winged/Wicked Things, and an updated Three Colours.
Anyways, hope you are coming tonight, or else you’ll be missing out BIG TIME.