Anyways, I ran into Yaps at the show and he and I started talking about his religious Pearl Jam experience this weekend in Albany. Which brings me to today's blog posting. What is your single-most cathartic moment in your music-loving life? And as usual... I'll start it off.

The year was 1995, it was the summer before my sophomore year of highschool and I had agreed to live with a host family in France. All was swell until I heard my favorite band at the time (extending from the years 1993-2000) was playing Summerfest and my ass was to be eating cheese and singing about the Champs Elysees thousands of miles away. So, being the supreme brat (mmm brats) that I am, I coerced my parents to scalp tickets for me and my sister to see Pearl Jam at Red Rocks Amphitheatre on June 20th. I also forced my non-PJ loving sis to wait in line for roughly 6 hours in the heat to secure front row spots for us. Needless to say the entire show was unreal. During "Black" my sister tried to talk to me only to receive a swift punch in the face for daring to speak during my pre-"I'll Believe In Anything" FSOE (favorite song on earth!)
And now for the moment. It was during "Alive" when that sweet sweet lighting man turned on the house lights while Eddie chanted "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah" and I turned around from my plum front row seats to see the crowd clapping in unison. Rach and I figured out that this is probably the exact moment in my life where I fell in love with the Over-The-Head Clap in Unison and the Fist Pump in Unison crowd action. Altho I think my parents can attest to that happening at my first Bon Jovi show at the age of 7. Who knows, but boy do I love it. I think I shed a tear or two during that moment and I still get goosebumps just thinking about it.
Ok enough about me, how about you?
trying to narrow down my most religious musical moment, but am too distracted by the thought, did Think About Life open? that is all i can think about. so, um, did they? thoughts on their performance if they did.
apparantly they played the afterparty. art brut didn't finish until around 1:30 so my tired ass took the train home.
the time i saw the bushy beaver brigade at stonehenge during a full lunar eclipse and they played dark side of the moon and thriller at the same time (backwards) and handed out cocaine sandwiches was fairly epic.
Seeing MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice and En Vogue in Gainesville's own O Dome was pretty magical for me. I bought a "You've Got to Pray" shirt and seriously considered razoring one of my eyebrows...
My first ever concert was Milli Vanilli and Young MC. I think I was 10 and even then I knew that Milli and Vanilli were lip syncing every single mind-blowing lyric. That did not however stop me from buying a t-shirt and wearing it to Hebrew School the next day. I think a few of the boys might have developed crushes on me that day as I was a vision in tube socks, scrunchies and flourescent shorts. Oh the early nineties....
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