Do you ever have trouble identifying whether certain celebrities are living or deceased? This happened to me a couple of weeks ago when I was almost positive that Gene Wilder had been dead for several years, but it turns out that its just his career that I was thinking about. Anyway, take a moment to celebrate how awesome this guy was/is. If you haven't seen it before take the time to Netflix
The Frisco Kid which stars Wilder and Harrison Ford as a Polish rabbi and a cowboy, respectively who travel through the American countryside en route to San Francisco getting into all sorts of wacky adventures and maybe learning a little bit about themselves on the way. Yes, this is a real movie and its actually very funny.

Also this was on the Colbert Report and it made me laugh:
Numbers: "Just because they represent an absolute quantity, numbers think they have some special claim to the truth. But numbers can be used to prove anything. "Sussudio" was a number one song -- that doesn't mean it's good. Even though it is."
Nice work super sleuth! I remember him recently being on Will and Grace as Will's boss. And might I add the mighty Wilder is from Brewtown, USA!
remember that time at the bosque brown show when you randomly yelled out "Gene Wilder is Aliiiiive!" during a hushed ballad?
Yeah, she was not amused. i was though, and that's all that matters.
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