Monday, December 25, 2006
Del's favorite musical happenings in 2006
20. Sonic Youth- Rather Ripped
19. Beck- The Information
18. Yo La Tengo- I'm Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass
17. The Coup- Pick A Bigger Weapon
16. Man Man- Six Demon Bag
15. Beirut- Gulag Orchestra
14. Destroyer- Destroyer's Rubies
13. Tapes 'N Tapes- The Loon
12. Liars- Drums Not Dead
11. Joanna Newsom- Ys
10. The Decemberists- The Crane Wife
9. Gnarls Barkley- St. Elsewhere
8. Sunset Rubdown- Shut Up I Am Dreaming
7. Thom Yorke- The Eraser
6. Yeah Yeah Yeahs- Show Your Bones
5. Lily Allen- Alright, Still
4. Cat Power- The Greatest
3. The Raconteurs- Broken Boy Soldier
2. The Knife- Silent Shout
1. TV on the Radio- Return to Cookie Mountain
Now for my fave songs of the year (in no particular order with the exception of TV on the Radio's "Wolf Like Me" which is easily the greatest single that came out in 2006)
"Crazy"- Gnarls Barkley
"Knock 'Em Out"- Lily Allen
"The Greatest"- Cat Power
"Roscoe"- Midlake
"Blue Veins"- The Raconteurs
"We Used to Vacation"- Cold War Kids
"And I Was A Boy From School"- Hot Chip
"Be Mine Everyone"- Sam Champion
"Lloyd, I'm Ready To Be Heartbroken"- Camera Obscura
"Ridin'"- Chamillionaire
"Summersong"- The Decemberists
"Sad Sad City"- Ghostland Observatory
"Get Myself Into It"- The Rapture
"Wolf Like Me"- TV on the Radio
"I DOn't Feel Like Dancin'"- Scissor Sisters
"We Are the Ones"- The Coup
"English Bwudd"- Man Man
"Cellphone's Dead"- Beck
"Dani california"- Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Silent SHout"- The Knife
"European Oils"- Destroyer
"Young Folks"- Peter, Bjorn and John
"In the Morning"- Jumior Boys
"Smiley Faces"- Gnarls Barkely
"Insistor"- Tapes 'N Tapes
"Black Swan"- Thom Yorke
"Pull Shapes"- The Pipettes
"Hospital Beds"- Cold War Kids
"Yours To Keep"- The Teddybears
"Gold Lion"- Yeah yeah yeahs
"Fake Tales of San Francisco"- The Arctic Monkeys
"Totes Probs Maybs Theme Song"- Jack Dolgen
"Steady As She Goes"- The Raconteurs
"Massive Nights"- The Hold Steady
"The Funeral"- Band of Horses
"Pushover"- The Long Winters
"Smile"- Lily Allen
"You Eyes Are Liars"- Sound Team
"Sexy Back"- Justin Timberlake
"Like A Pen"- The Knife
"Ain't No Other Man"- Christina Aguillera
"Multiply"- Jamie Lidell
"Wildcat"- Ratatat
"Another One Goes By"- The Walkmen
"Star Witness"- Neko Case
"They Took A Vote and said No"- Sunset Rubdown
"Mr. Tough"- Yo La Tengo
"Winter Tour"- Britta Persson
"Incinerate"- Sonic Youth"
"Let's make Love and Listen Death From Above"- CSS
"Joker and the Thief"- Wolfmother
"Good Weekend"- Art Brut
"Goin' Against Your Mind"- Built to Spill
"The Book I Write"- Spoon
Thursday, December 14, 2006
My Top Ten of 2006
xo wiscod
1. Sunset Rubdown—Shut Up I’m Dreaming of Places Where Lovers Have Wings
2. Swan Lake—Beast Moans
3. TV on the Radio—Return to Cookie Mountain
4. The Hold Steady- Boys and Girls in America
5. Band of Horses- Everything All The Time
6. Grizzly Bear- Yellow House
7. The Big Sleep- Son of the Tiger
8. The Thermals- The Body, The Blood, The Machine
9. Ferraby Lionheart- s/t ep
10. Final Fantasy- He Poos Clouds
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
When The Going Gets Tough...
So i've decided to try and keep Totes Probs Maybs alive, even if Probs...Maybs.... aren't involved. We'll figure something out. But I was thinking... where else am I going to be able bore you with the details of my Danzig kick? Certainly not face to face! So without further ado... I give you this:
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
We Ain't Dead!

The show, which will be at Studio B in Brooklyn, will also feature live sets from Birdmonster, Ra Ra Riot, Sam Champion, Echo Station, plus a few more surprise guests.
Tickets are a super-cheap $10! All the bands will be playing full sets. And we got one or two surprises up our sleeves.
Here's the link to buy tickets:
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Hanging On By A Weak Thread
Highlight from that show? My favorite cast members from Guiding Light were there... inexplicably. But what do I care- it was rad! turns out the dude Jonathan on the show really dates his tv girlfriend, and his nemesis (with whom he is having a baby with) is their real friend! Acting! Rules!
Tonight the Icy Hots will rule the school and hopefully win our first soccer game this season. Kevers is taking my sweaty ass to Mobius Band after at the Merc.
Tomorrow is The Long Winters!!!!
BTW my rival for Spencer and I made amends and decided upon this:

Monday, September 25, 2006
Dukes Up!
I had a massively successful album release and show for The Big Sleep this past Tuesday and Thursday. Thanks to everyone who came out and supported them- the show was so much fun!
And Mega is chilling with her mom in Italy, probs drinking boatloads of vino and massive quantities of pasta. Damn her!
Now, before I throw myself back into my life's work, I wanted to point out that there is someone out there who is willing to fight me for the president of the Spencer Krug fanclub.
Last week- this photo was in my email inbox:

and I countered it with this:

We shall see what happens tonight when both me and my adversary are in the same room with the man himself. CK1 (kate) and I were at the show last night and I’m still on a high from it. How can one band be so immeasurably talented? Spencer was in an amazing mood, cracking jokes and interacting with the rambunctious crowd. His new moustache is a thing of beauty… well maybe only to me. Someone in the crowd yelled out “You look like Magnum P.I.!” and when he put on his sweat-head band, he claimed he was The Karate Kid Magnum P.I.”
Oh that guy. He can do no wrong.
I’m pretty sure they played almost every song off of “Shut Up I’m Dreaming Of Places Where Lovers Have Wings”, plus a new one, as well as Winged/Wicked Things, and an updated Three Colours.
Anyways, hope you are coming tonight, or else you’ll be missing out BIG TIME.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Moments Like Deez
Anyways, it's 6:40p and I'm taking a brief break, before I pound out somemore work and then head for the soccer field to avenge our last Icy Hot losses.
What am i going to do to relax you ask? well I'm glad you did.
1. I'm going to unwind to music that I love. Right now: Ferraby Lionheart, Eagle Seagull, Swan Lake (well only what has leaked), WP, Beirut, Destroyer, Ween... pretty much nothing has changed in my rotation of tunes for the past couple weeks.
Check out the new Eagle*Seagull video for Photograph. Yaps anyone?
2. Search for things to go in my new apt in Brooklyn with CK1 (Kate!)

3. Fantasize about the weekend. Free Love as Laughter show AND bday parties for Sono Oto and 3xWes!
4. Check up on how my favorite panda, Tai Shan is doing at DC's National Zoo with Panda Cam.

5. Shooting angry thoughts at Rach and Del for going to ACL without me. How i'm going to make it through tomorrow's Wolf Parade set by phone... I do not know.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
So What If I Like To Embed Things
How sweet is this Ferraby Lionheart video???? So what if i'm using this blog as a vehicle to push artists I work with? Tell me this music isn't melting your heart. F y'all haters!
Friday, September 08, 2006
New Music Fridays

Chrashers loves White Flight. Wiscod loves White Flight. Readers of TPM... will love White Flight. Watch all four of his videos here to figure out why.
Last night Chrashers told me that he often finds new music through his fave bands myspace top 8's. And so since Chrashers loves White Flight, he came upon his new love... Black Nasty. Listen to this Witchita, KS masterpiece and hear why this band, with songs like "Gimme Your Butt" and "Jheri Curl", is poised to become the next big thing. Check them out at
Thursday, September 07, 2006

Still can't get over how sweet this pic is. Who knew Mike Myers was a Joanna Newsom fan? Now you know. Anyway, I finally have replaced my camera and will have some great pics up of the Blender VMA afterparty which was totes fun and of some random photes from the last few weeks.
Here's an artist's rendering of the locked down Not So Lil Kim

Don't forget to purchase your tickets to see the Knife at Webster Hall on November 1. Get em here.

Cee-Lo performing at Tao at the Blender after party

Our pal Jason with someone who isn't Cee-Lo Green

Mr. Productshop admitting defeat after an awesome breakdance-off

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Now That's What I Call A Video!
Check out the new video for Band of Horses "The Great Salt Lake" featuring my boys from Seattle. All my friends are there- makes me miss that town so bad. If you watch the sidelines closely you can see 'Ja!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Meh. Not what I had envisioned (nor did Shaps) for this video. Oh well. Where's Spencer and Dan?
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Farewell to Summer
Mere: Yo La Tengo "Autumn Sweater"
Dana: DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince "Nightmare on my Street"
Shaps: High Five and the Giggles "I Ate Butternut Squash Soup for Lunch"
Del: Tom Petty "Into the Great Wide Open"

Hi Fi 2nite

Hope to see you fools there. Rumor has it that Sonya is bringing her tv and nintendo for a little Dr. Mario action for prizes. You'll also have a chance to kick Danny's ass at pool and school Gabe at Ms. Pac-Man.
Who else is totally not feeling this weather? I feel like I should be cast in the remake of Singles, with my current woe-is-me attitude, accented by a constant umbrella. Whoa! That would be so rad- Singles 2: Yep, I'm Still Single (and Miserable, But I Sure Do Listen To Good Music).
Monday, August 28, 2006

The evil empire of beer pong

Shaps and I trying to distract the other team.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Never Have I Ever... Been More Proud
MILWAUKEE - Milwaukee has been ranked by as "America's Drunkest City" on a list of 35 major metropolitan areas ranked for their drinking habits. Forbes said Tuesday it used numbers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to rank cities in five areas: state laws, number of drinkers, number of heavy drinkers, number of binge drinkers and alcoholism.
Minneapolis-St. Paul was ranked second overall; followed by Columbus, Ohio; Boston; Austin, Texas; Chicago; Cleveland; Pittsburgh and then Philadelphia and Providence, R.I., in a tie for ninth.
Rick DeMeyer, 28, said Wednesday as he was celebrating his birthday at G-Daddy's BBC he could understand Milwaukee's ranking. "I have had people stay with me from London and Chicago, and they can't get over how much we drink," he said. "I guess we do."
But officials at Visit Milwaukee, the area's convention and visitors bureau, contend that the city has come a long way in ridding itself of its beer-guzzling image.
Milwaukeeans have plenty of other ways to entertain themselves without drinking alcohol, said Dave Fantle, a spokesman for the group. He noted a new convention center and baseball park had been built and the Milwaukee Art Museum expanded in recent years.
"We've gone from Brew City to new city," he said.
(from yahoo via Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
to read the Forbes article- click on dis
Thursday, August 17, 2006
What Music I've Been Listening The Shit Out Of Lately
1. Eagle*Seagull. Thanks Senior Beacheroos for passing on the info that this band is the midwestern equivalent of Wolf Parade. I obviously took notice and now can't turn them off, but only for...
2. Beirut. Totally went to McCarren Park this weekend armed to hate, and came out making love not war. This kids voice is to die for and the eastern european backing music makes me swoon.
3. Swan Lake. Yeah I only have one song- "All Fires"- but it's still on repeat!
4. Ferraby Lionheart. Chrashers and Kevers tipped me off to this LA singer/songwriter, which normally I'd shrug off, but upon listening to his myspace site music and having a chat with him on the phone... he won me over instantly. He's just as mellow and thoughtful as his tunes.
5. Ween. Baby Bitch is incredible. Chocolate & Cheese in general is awesome both as a record and in my stomach... with emphasis on the cheese.
6. Wolf Parade. Found some new-old gems like "Killing Armies" and "Secret Knives" and some live shit I can't get enough of. Hello, I love this band. Bring on the Runner/Fancy Claps remixes bitches!
7. Modest Mouse "Edit the Sad Parts"- best Mouse song ever written. period.
ok back to work.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Dis and Dat again
I don't really have much to say, so I thought it was time for a Dis and Dat post.
First thing to call to your attention is this new video by Aziz. I was in the office when he was shooting his segments, but I was totally clueless as to what was going on. (my office is with the Beggars/Matador peeps). Holla back Tapes 'n Tapes!
Second thing to call to your attention- Time Warner Cable sucks. I took a half day at work today and all they did was screw up my order.
Third and most important- and we will remind you on Monday- is to tune into Sirius Blog Radio on Monday night- our very own Del will be co-hosting with Productshop NYC's Wes, as well as the best band in NYC- The Big Sleep. Since I'm their able-bodied publicist, I'll be attending, but I'm more going in hopes of getting a shoutout!
and finally, from Chrashers camera comes my favorite sequence of photos from our weekend in Chicago. Wiscod and Del trying to order up some Mexican at 3a.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Lolla recap Day 1: Probably my favorite animal in the world

Palooza was a blast. Its hard to believe that the last time I attended this festival was in 1994 and Nirvana was supposed to be the headliner. A lot of things have happened since then, in fact I'm pretty sure there was no such thing as internet porn or even text messages. I mean, how would you be able to find your friends back then?
I escaped the New York heat for the slightly less oppressive Chicago heat. Don't get me started on the Miami Heat (I hate those guys). Got to Grant Park around 2ish and caught the tail end of the Eels set who were rockin' the house. They covered Peaches "Rock Show" and even did Tom Waits "Jesus Gonna Be Here". Next up I headed over to the Kidzapalooza stage where I saw the Blisters who are made up of four kids roughly aged 9-11 and two of them were Jeff Tweedy's kids. He was standing by like the proud papa that he is and they proved to be one of the highlights of my weekend. While none of them were virtuosos on their instruments, their covers of "Blizkrieg Bop," "She Don't Use Jelly," "Rockin' in the Free World," "Sweet Home Alabama" were more than enough to keep the crowd satisfied.
Heres lil Tweedy:

Caught some of the Editors and some of Ryan Adams, neither of which impressed me all that much and then caught the awesomeness of the Secret Machines who proved the even in the daytime and without their spectacular light show that these guys do not fuck around. By the time they finished the crowd at the AT&T stage was totes crowded to see Jacky White and the Raconteurs. Even though it seemed like we were miles away, they were great. Songs like "Level" and "Steady As She Goes" had the crowd really into it and their covers of Bowie and Nancy Sinatra seemed spot on. I left before the end of their set in order to catch a bit of My Morning Jacket and to get a spot for Sleater Kinney. After the seemingly endless trek we made it to catch a few songs of each. The Jacket sounded perfect like they always do and I was annoyed that I was forced to choose between them and the Raconteurs. I only chose the latter because I had just seen MMJ opening for Pearl Jam about a montha go. I still got to see their last three songs and was really glad that I did. However, this did mean I missed the Raconteurs covering Gnarls Barkleys summer jam "Crazy." By the way, it was one of three covers of this tune heard this weekend (the others were by Mates of State and Kanye West for anyone whos keeping score). By this time Grant Park was a total zoo. About 8:15 I made my trek back to the other side of the park yet again in order to catch my boys in Ween. These guys never disappoint and I honestly just feel sorry for anyone who were on the other side of the park watching the mediocrity that is Death Cab For Cutie. Ween was only given an hour and a half which is normally half of the time that they usually play, but it was more than enough time to absolutely kill it. They played stuff from all throughout their career and like always I screamed myself hoarse during "Doctor Rock" and "You Fucked Up." They won over some new fans including our own WiscoD. It was a great way to start of the festivities and we still had a lot more music and partying to go ahead of us.
Do I Smell A Reunion?
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Y'all Want to Party with Me?

BMF Media Group is turning Lollapalooza weekend upside-down with the ck one Music Lounge @ Hard Rock Hotel Chicago during Lollapalooza 2006. 3 days and 3 nights of VIP/Invite only events. Join us in the lounge during the day for food, free drinks, live tattoo inking, internet, video games, special guest DJs, gifting, press and each night:
Friday --> ck one Music Lounge Opening night kick-off party with special live performance with buzz band Mute Math
Saturday --> Kanye West Presents The Official G.O.O.D. Music Afterparty and special performance by Sa-Ra
Sunday --> Wrap Event featuring a special DJ set by Pete Wentz of Chicago's Fall Out Boy
Feel free to pass this invite to a friend and let us know if you have any questions. RSVP at for all-access credentials to all day and night events. Or alternatively, you can RSVP to the respective night party you wish to attend at the RSVP emails below.
Friday -
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Dis and Dat
I moved into my new apartment in Carroll Gardens, Crashers moved in with me and I've had work things to do up the wazoo!
So I've decided to give you some small little nuggets for your day like-
I hate these shoes:
(hatred courtesy of Stevie White Pants)
I'm no longer abbreviating due to this article:
this blog is now called Totally...Probably...Mabelly
and that's it for today. more Dis and Dat to come eventually.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Overheard in New York
drunk girl on cell phone: (slurring) Why do you think I'm ugly?
annoyed guy: What? I can't hear you.
drunk girl: Oh, you can't? Why did you hook up with that skank ass bitch?
Gotta love that place!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Least surprising news since George Michael came out of the closet

Really looking forward to that new Odd Couple-type show with Bass and Fatone. How long before he comes out?
In unrelated news I was reminded of a great song from the Victoria Williams tribute Sweet Relief from several years back (thanks Merida!). The big tune off of this was Pearl Jam's cover of Crazy Mary, but another great one was Evan Dando doing Frying Pan. Check it out.
Evan Dando- Frying Pan
Also, a friend just sent me this link of Stevie Wonder on Sesame Street.
Click here.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Celebrity Sighting on Wooster Street!
Monday, July 24, 2006
Bands Wiscod Wants To Blow This Week
But I do love this band.
Introducing Awesome Color.
They are on Thurston Moore's label Ecstatic Peace and I can't stop playing Ridin'.
Listen to their tunage here (myspace page) or here (official website)
Tonight's game night has been postponed due to our favorite weatherman-turned-rock band playing at Bowery Ballroom. Sam Champion is on at 9p- this is defs one of your last chances to see them before they blow up.... so you can say "I saw them when..." of course I get to say that from like over two years ago- so try and top that bitches.
This past weekend I spent trying to nurse myself back to health by taking it easy and camping out with Jamal and Mya in Park Slope, and i'd like to think I did a pretty good job. I saw both The Devil Wears Prada and Pirates of the Orlando Depp hotness. Both were really great, I especially loved the crustacean pirates- they were so cool looking!
Though the best movie quote comes from the tv rerun of She's All That:
"Check out the bobos on superfreak!"
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
A cat that looks like Hitler
Joke of the Day
(joke courtesy of Ackerman... who really really emphasized the "bush" part by raising his voice by 8 octaves)
Jack Shears' crotch- from Siren this weekend.... as seen on Holmes's Billboard's blog. It's my photo.

Thursday, July 13, 2006
Game On!

While Adam was uptown geekily analyzing Simon & Garfinkel lyrics on Monday, a pack of us,, non-geeks were partying hard at the inaugural "TPM & Friends BOARD GAME NIGHT" at Loreley Biergarten! Yes, the gigantic beers and brats were plentiful and the competition fierce, and Team Awesome (comprised of TPM, Jeff and Balint) barely lost to Team Wales (Nell, Wendles, and smarty pants co-workers Clark, BJ & Michelle) in a rowdy round of Trivial Pursuit 20th Anniversary Edition. What we lacked in knowledge of Olympic bobsledders and alien possessed actresses (ahem!), we totes made up for in spirit! We had so much nerdy fun, I declared summer 2006, Summer of the Board Game!

Next week we game again: perhaps Taboo, maybe Balderdash, I'd like to introduce a certain Texan to Uno even! If you're into it, let us know - we'd love ya to join up! We're specifically looking for folks who excel in geography, sports and whatever the hell the yellow category is...
Stay tuned for deets on the where and when for round 2!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
We've all come to look for America

On Monday night I headed uptown to the Beacon Theater to try and catch one of my musical idols, Elvis Costello. He was playing with New Orleans legend, Allen Toussaint and the Crescent City Horns so I knew that the show would be strong to quite strong at the very least. What I was treated to was two and half hours and 33 songs worth of goodness. The majority of their new album The River in Reverse was played and it sounded great. Also, Mr. Toussaint did several new arrangements on older Elvis songs such as "I Don't Want to Go To Chelsea" and "High Fidelity" that had the audience dancing in the aisles. One of the high points of the evening was when they did a version of Paul Simon's "An American Tune" that made me choke up. Elvis said that it should be our new national anthem. I was recalling the show to my friend Jeff who wasn't familiar with the song, although he thought I was talking about the similarly titled Simon and Garfunkel classic "America" and he mentioned that he never understood some of the lyrics in that song, particularly "I'm minty and naked and I don't know why." It was then when I lost my shit. Here are the real lyrics: "Cathy I'm lost I said though I knew she was sleeping. I'm empty and aching and I don't know why."
Paul Simon- American Tune
Simon and Garfunkel- America