Like a true rock star, Dana (with scuffed chin, warped neck and lingering hangover from the notorious bat mitzvah) couldn't help but continue to rock out on her real b-day yesterday. To celebrate, a group of us gathered in the basement of Izu for what turned out to be a karaoke war with show tunes loving weirdos. Appearances by Hal "I will sing anything put in front of me" Horowitz, Steve "Agro for my Destiny's Child song" Hahnel and even Dave and Paula "We just came from the Shenandoah Valley" Erickson, really added to the evening.
Big b-day ups to Dane for her rousing rendition of Rebel Yell, rivaling her amazing performance of Mother at the X-Mas Karaoke Extravaganza last December. Her vocals were strong, her moves were equally awkward and awesome and her commitment to the snarling punk anthem was beyond admirable! We rewarded her efforts with a b-day present that keeps on giving: a new tattoo (not a another sunshine on her wrist, damn it!!!!) that will help her remember her two little BFs forevs and evs.