And so onwards and upwards for my team- I predict the Superbowl, but as a diehard Packer fan, I shall remain pessimistic for the sake of superstitions. However, I'm pretty sure Jessica "tits" Simpson will be the downfall of Tony Romo and the hated Cowboys. Big ups to my sister, who scored us sweet seats for the Packers vs Bears game this weekend at Soldier Field. I'm hoping to find my blow up helmet for the occasion, but if not, boob paint will have to do. Stay tuned for pictures.
Before I launch into my Top 10 Albums of the Year and Top 5 live shows, I'd like to remind everyone about Karaoke Caroling this Thursday at 2nd on 2nd around 10:30p.
1.Of Montreal- Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?
What a year it has been with this band. If you had asked me that we’d be where we are right now back in Sept 2006, I woulda said “Damn Gina, you crazy!” Basically none of us could have really known the answer, but in our heart of hearts, we all knew what a beast this record could be. And it’s frickin fun as shit!!!
2.Handsome Furs- Plague Park
Blasphemy you say?! Dan before Spencer?? I say yes. Actually I say yes with a killer springsteen meets elvis voice and a bumping drum machine to support it.
3.Sunset Rubdown- Random Spirit Lover
Spencer after Dan? Blasphemy you say?? I say yes. Can’t believe it, I love this disc will all of my heart. Who else can pull off a song called “Trumpet Trumpet Toot Toot” AND be destined to be my future husband? But the one thing that separates this album from #2 is memories. I put on Handsome Furs and I can immediately remember the time period when I first started listening to it. Magical. Both records have stood up quite nicely with the tests of time.
4.Daft Punk- Alive 2007
Dear God, it’s me Dana. Just wanted to give you a shout out for capturing the best concert of ’07 so perfectly. Never has my workout been so fun. Who knew weights could double as glow sticks?
5.Mgmt- Oracular Spectacular
Besides wanting to do naughty things to the lead singer, this debut album has shaken and stirred me with a dash of tart. So much fun from beginning to end. This band is a keeper. Did I mention I want to do naughty things to the lead singer?
6.Ween- La Cucharacha
Hilarity realized. Listen to “Your Party” and try and tell me you didn’t laugh out loud. Also one of my favorite shows of the year. I paid dearly for that night for days after.
7.Port O’Brien - The Wind and The Swell
Nautical imagery? Check. Shout out loud singalongs? Check plus. Next record is even better than this? Shazaaaaam!!!
8.LCD Soundsystem-LCD Soundsystem
"All My Friends". Nuff said.
9.Radiohead- In Rainbows
It's Radiohead. Duh.
10.The Teeth- You’re My Lover Now
I love this band, so why not include their new record. It may not be in constant rotation, but when it is, as MceDee's says, "I'm lovin' it"
Honorable mentions:
Voxtrot, Thurston Moore, Turbo Fruits, Band of Horses
Top 5 Live Shows of the Year:
1. Daft Punk – Keyspan Park- if I had the ability to get a boner, this would be the time to have one.
2. Wolf Parade- Warsaw
3. Ween- Terminal 5
4. Of Montreal- Roseland
5. LCD Soundsystem- Studio B/ Coachella
Stay classy New York City.