Thursday, July 27, 2006
Overheard in New York
drunk girl on cell phone: (slurring) Why do you think I'm ugly?
annoyed guy: What? I can't hear you.
drunk girl: Oh, you can't? Why did you hook up with that skank ass bitch?
Gotta love that place!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Least surprising news since George Michael came out of the closet

Really looking forward to that new Odd Couple-type show with Bass and Fatone. How long before he comes out?
In unrelated news I was reminded of a great song from the Victoria Williams tribute Sweet Relief from several years back (thanks Merida!). The big tune off of this was Pearl Jam's cover of Crazy Mary, but another great one was Evan Dando doing Frying Pan. Check it out.
Evan Dando- Frying Pan
Also, a friend just sent me this link of Stevie Wonder on Sesame Street.
Click here.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Celebrity Sighting on Wooster Street!
Monday, July 24, 2006
Bands Wiscod Wants To Blow This Week
But I do love this band.
Introducing Awesome Color.
They are on Thurston Moore's label Ecstatic Peace and I can't stop playing Ridin'.
Listen to their tunage here (myspace page) or here (official website)
Tonight's game night has been postponed due to our favorite weatherman-turned-rock band playing at Bowery Ballroom. Sam Champion is on at 9p- this is defs one of your last chances to see them before they blow up.... so you can say "I saw them when..." of course I get to say that from like over two years ago- so try and top that bitches.
This past weekend I spent trying to nurse myself back to health by taking it easy and camping out with Jamal and Mya in Park Slope, and i'd like to think I did a pretty good job. I saw both The Devil Wears Prada and Pirates of the Orlando Depp hotness. Both were really great, I especially loved the crustacean pirates- they were so cool looking!
Though the best movie quote comes from the tv rerun of She's All That:
"Check out the bobos on superfreak!"
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
A cat that looks like Hitler
Joke of the Day
(joke courtesy of Ackerman... who really really emphasized the "bush" part by raising his voice by 8 octaves)
Jack Shears' crotch- from Siren this weekend.... as seen on Holmes's Billboard's blog. It's my photo.

Thursday, July 13, 2006
Game On!

While Adam was uptown geekily analyzing Simon & Garfinkel lyrics on Monday, a pack of us,, non-geeks were partying hard at the inaugural "TPM & Friends BOARD GAME NIGHT" at Loreley Biergarten! Yes, the gigantic beers and brats were plentiful and the competition fierce, and Team Awesome (comprised of TPM, Jeff and Balint) barely lost to Team Wales (Nell, Wendles, and smarty pants co-workers Clark, BJ & Michelle) in a rowdy round of Trivial Pursuit 20th Anniversary Edition. What we lacked in knowledge of Olympic bobsledders and alien possessed actresses (ahem!), we totes made up for in spirit! We had so much nerdy fun, I declared summer 2006, Summer of the Board Game!

Next week we game again: perhaps Taboo, maybe Balderdash, I'd like to introduce a certain Texan to Uno even! If you're into it, let us know - we'd love ya to join up! We're specifically looking for folks who excel in geography, sports and whatever the hell the yellow category is...
Stay tuned for deets on the where and when for round 2!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
We've all come to look for America

On Monday night I headed uptown to the Beacon Theater to try and catch one of my musical idols, Elvis Costello. He was playing with New Orleans legend, Allen Toussaint and the Crescent City Horns so I knew that the show would be strong to quite strong at the very least. What I was treated to was two and half hours and 33 songs worth of goodness. The majority of their new album The River in Reverse was played and it sounded great. Also, Mr. Toussaint did several new arrangements on older Elvis songs such as "I Don't Want to Go To Chelsea" and "High Fidelity" that had the audience dancing in the aisles. One of the high points of the evening was when they did a version of Paul Simon's "An American Tune" that made me choke up. Elvis said that it should be our new national anthem. I was recalling the show to my friend Jeff who wasn't familiar with the song, although he thought I was talking about the similarly titled Simon and Garfunkel classic "America" and he mentioned that he never understood some of the lyrics in that song, particularly "I'm minty and naked and I don't know why." It was then when I lost my shit. Here are the real lyrics: "Cathy I'm lost I said though I knew she was sleeping. I'm empty and aching and I don't know why."
Paul Simon- American Tune
Simon and Garfunkel- America
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
We have a bloody theme song!!!
Totes Probs Maybs Theme Song- Jack Dolgen of Sam Champion(yousend it)
Here's the early buzz on the song, sure to be #1 on the Hype Machine any minute now and a top contender for Song of the Year 2006:
"omf (oh my fuck!)it's the greatest piece of music ever written. fuck bach, fuck beethoven, fuck interpol. Sam Champion is seven degrees hotter than fire."
-Norm Schpeigalman
"Best piece of music EVER!" - Blender Magazine('s Rachel Shapiro)
"Why aren't there any shout-outs for me?" - Adam Mandel
Here's a couple of pics from the first McCarren Park summer show this past Sunday. Did I mention how glad I am to be back here?
Hipster Dodgeball: both better and funnier than the movie

Not actually Will Farrell, but Tim from Les Savy Fav

Mere and someone else being a grouch for a change

Monday, July 10, 2006
Meet My New Boyfriend
Meet Duffy. The boy whole stole my frigid, man weary heart.

Friday, July 07, 2006
Mere Posted Below!!!!

And if she doesn't.... feel free to leave the consequences in our comments section.
I left my camera in the rental car after our monumental trip to Plattsburgh this weekend, so here's a teaser photo from our stop at a montreal strip club.
Up Up Up the tacky neon stairs we goooooooooo to a land of underage stippers- ho!!!!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
The Battle for Plattsburgh
Wow - what an amazing 4th of July weekend. Many thanks to the Brown/Larkin clan for making our trip so amazing. If only we could do it all again! But only after I catch up on sleep and my 20+ mosquito bites clear up.
From the very second we left the city last Friday it was easy to see that one of the main theme's of the weekend would be to battle it out to see who could throw down the best jokes and insults. Before we even reached Plattsburgh the battle lines were drawn and the hilarity that ensued would take forever to recap in its entirety. Basically, you learn a lot about your friends while sleeping in an attic, sharing a port-a-potty, eating every meal together, going to strip clubs and playing water sports together for 4 days. Here is the abridged version:
After outing B & T to Elissa's family we all settled into our new digs and began happily eating, drinking and playing Dana's weirdo version of trivial pursuit. Eventually it got the best of Balint and he turned in for the night with sneakers on his feet and Paul Van Dyk blaring in his ears. Apparently he finds trance relaxing.

Balint loves Tarik's moves.
Today began much as the rest of our trip would - with Skippy McHappy Pants fidgeting around until someone would agree to run and/or swim with him. Now I fully understand why people enjoy choking him so much. After he successfully got us all up we played a bit of soccer before heading into town to catch the World Cup game. After a delicious dinner we got the bonfire going, shot off some fireworks and roasted marshmallows. The night ended with a kick-ass dance party and Megadeath roaring up in her transam blaring Bad to the Bone. That would be her one and only appearance in Plattsburgh much to the delight of me and everyone else.

Moments before Tarik began bouncing off the walls from his sugar high.

Don't trust this guy.

"I love America!"

Megadeath let's loose.
Blame Canada - for a totes awes day!

A rare daytime photo of Megadeath plotting to kill all of us, plus any french-speaking Canadian...


The view out the car window as we pulled into Plattsburgh at dawn.
Today was filled with all kinds of water sports adventures. Congrats to Balint and Tarik for learning to water ski and for getting some of the biggest laughs of the day by wiping out so many times. There is nothing funnier than watching people fall. Oh wait, yes there is - watching Tarik try to play trivial pursuit. I'm sure he would be amazing at the San Francisco edition though :)

Trivial Pursuit Champions!
Farewell Plattsburgh - Until next year!

Moments before Skippy McHappy Pants woke us up - at 8:15 a.m.!