Excellent Question! To be brief (pardon the pun...) these are for the ladies... Fun and functional, these T-Backs are a sturdy blend of 90% cotton and 10% lycra, resulting in a sexy - yet athletic - undergarment perfect for that Gator Gal in your life. Buy them for your sorority (or even family) sisters, your 'better half', or simply for yourself!
The Details...
Available in 3 styles, these comfy little garments are the perfect compliment to your Gator Game Day Outfit. No one but you needs to know that you're a Gator to the core! They're the next best thing to bleeding orange and blue...
So make sure you get your 'Teebow' before supplies run out, You can find them at Teebows.com."
Seriously, Gator fans are such sluts... Dana, belated b-day idea for me! :)
I must admit, I made out like a bandit for my 31st b-day, a blue fleece bandit. Old people need Snuggies cause its really rough on us when we have to get up to grab a phone call and the blanket falls off of our cold frail bodies. Thank you Sar & Drew!
Thanks to my wonderful friends for another great year, aging ain't so bad with you guys around!
It wasn't always rainbows and unicorns, but I've been reflecting and I've decided 08 got a bum wrap. It wasn't a total wash. Some rad stuff happened, lets reminisce:
Barack was elected!
Some indie rock bands made totes awes albums: - Wolf Parade, At Mount Zoomer - TV on the Radio, Dear Science - Santogold, Santogold - AA Bondy, American Heart - Girl Talk, Feed the Animals - Fleet Foxes, Sun Giant EP/Fleet Foxes - Hot Chip, Made in the Dark - Of Montreal, Skeletal Lamping
This horse was not harmed in the making of this concert
The victory is still sinking in. It took me a day to compose my thoughts (and get over my hangover) and I'm still not sure I can articulate how inspired and overcome with emotion I am by Barack Obama making history.
So I will just say this. I'm trying to think of a time in my life when I was more proud to be an American. I cannot. Its just so exhilarating, such an amazing time to be alive in this country. And I hope that all the people who didn't vote for OB recognize this sooner than later.
The world looked to America... we showed our best. For one night at least, the world was sane. The planet sighs in relief and deserves a righteous party.
Yes We Did! Now who wants to go to the inauguration with me? :)
Considering my joblessness, I should really be posting more. There’s no excuse and there is def a ton going on. I knew it was time to log on when my sis started to nag me. So now I gottta cram it all in. Are you ready? I'm going to make like a sitcom "Last Season on the Shaps Show" montage and catch you up:
GOT LAID OFF If you haven't heard or deducted from the first sentence of this post, Drillteam ain't my homeboy. I'm cool with it tho, frees me up for more pilates, MSNBC and fiiiiinnnnally eBaying all that shit thats been piling up in a corner of my bedroom since 2005. But seriously, if you know of a job, don’t hold back – send me deets!
ACL The trip to Austin went a lil something like this: Hangin with Delaney, Migas, Tubing, Salt Lick, Migas, Cool Kids, 90s Dance Party, Migas, Chicken Cone, Spiritualized, MGMT, Allison Krause, Beck, Nicole Atkins, Mega Concussion, Chillin on our very own plantation. More Migas. THE ELECTION Obama inspires me to tears. I've become a crazy Huffington Post junkie. I think I have a lot of OB’s stump speeches memorized. I wake up in the morning (at 10, its fine) and race to the brontosaurus laptop to check out the latest Obama slideshows. “Another B and Michelle Greatest PDA moment?” “What ARE the candidates eating on the campaign trail?” “I wonder what Sasha and Malia were for Halloween.” I’m shamelessly obsessed. Like Dana and Pearl Jam or Dana and Wolf Parade or Dana and Sharks. Here's me nerding out on some Barack show tunes:
RIP Toot, it makes me so, so sad she didn’t get to see her grandson win the presidency. Don't worry Madelyn, I'm votin for your boy tomorrow. EVERYONE VOTE!!!!! FALL ADVENTURES Dane’s adorable VW Golf, Scoots, goes back home to Wisco at the end of the month so to get our inflated gas-money’s worth, we’ve been cruisin’ upstate on all kinds of awesome autumnal adventures. New Paltz was bountiful with fall color, apples, cider, pumpkins, goats and chili. Mountainville offered us acres upon acres of majestic sculptures at Storm King. Sleepy Hollow spooked us out with a special “Legend Weekend” where Dana found romance with the Headless Horseman. And last but not least, Hackensack, NJ provided us with Cheesecake Factory indigestion. Mmmm, pumpkin cheesecake.
MSG SCREAMFEST Not in a frightened way, in an excited teenage girl way. As promised, we rocked American’s Best Dance Crew Live (thanks Kell Perk) which featured the ridiculously badass Jabawockeez (Dane’s mind was blown) and my faves, Supa Cr3w. Check out em battling each other in Boston, is this shit right out of Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo or what?
Also popular: Joey, the deaf Asian dancer from ASIID. The uber-hyper high school chicks behind us screamed in vain “I love you Joey, I want to be your girlfriend!” Not but a month later, I found myself screaming the EXACT same thing, but to Joey MacIntyre at the oh-so amazing NKOTB show. Imagine if you will, being surrounded by thousands of screaming women (not 12 yr olds) in side pony tails and vintage neon t-shirts, waving their hands in the air to “Hangin Tough” like it was their job. I reverted to my middle school self and did whatever the boys told me to. I had no say, I was under their spell. They're all still playing their 1991 roles: Donnie is still thuggish, Joey is still boyishly adorable, Jordan is still the sexy lead man with a falsetto that could crack glass, Jonathan is still shy and awkward (and apparently gay! I had no idea!) and Danny is still the one no girl fantasizes about. Although he did do some sweet breakdancing. (Huh??) For Dana’s take, read here.
UNFORTUNATE COCKTAILS Ice luge-chilled Espresso vodka, Halloween's "Witch's Brew" (it involved Midori, pineapple juice and gummy body parts) and that weird strawberry-basil beverage Sarah made me over the big b-day extravaganza in the Hamptons = Hangover Hell. FLORIDA FOOTBALL We're #4 in the AP and we’re crushin the SEC right now. Tebow broke Emmit Smith’s career RUSHING touchdown record on Saturday. And he’s the quarterback!!! If we can keep up the momentum, I predict an SEC Championship berth and possibly an Alabama upset. In Tebow I Trust.
SLUT-O-WEEN We’re so clever. TPB represented on Halloween as slutty ex-presidents aka “Mount UsMore”: Boobraham Lincoln, Whorge Washington, Teddy Ho-sevelt. We’ll probably never get pics back of this eve (Jack?), but this clip pretty much describes our costume concept to a tee:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY OLD BUDDIES All my best G'ville pals aged and because I couldn’t afford gifts (remember bullet #1? I don’t have a job! Get me one!), I figured they at least deserved a special blog shout out: Happy, happy b-day to Sarah B-D, Bri, Mere Phipps, Ilanis, Steph and tomorrow, Noah P!